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Bad_Mood_Larry t1_iybrf98 wrote

I mean that simply not the case for every politician there are plenty of politicians with a deficit in charisma and are skilled in managing interest groups and stakeholders to garner support. People overvalue charisma in politics. Though I will give you the more national the race the higher in importance it becomes.

Edit: For those who doubt why don't you attend your local politics meeting in my case this would be direct democracy townhall I can tell you our selectman would put you to sleep. If you want farther up go check to see your state rep I doubt they're a Casanova. If those are too hard go watch cspan which i do, most of these guys come off as glorified pencil pushing bureaucrats half the time which makes sense as half of them are lawyers truly a profession know for exclusively exciting action packed court cases and not sifting through hundreds of pages of legalises documents that use so much circle logic you don't know where a paragraph begins and ends.


Bertbrekfust t1_iycgbon wrote

I don't get why this is downvoted. Obviously politicians and academics have different goals, but that doesn't mean that being a successful politician isn't a very complex job that requires a lot of intelligence.

I guarantee you that the prime ministers of developed countries, regardless of whether you agree with their political ideas, are quite intelligent people.