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Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixk7ybf wrote

I mean, you think that's weird.

I love tapirs.

Go look up their smiles. Believe me, it's worst when they have human teeth.

Go Google Image search "Baby Tapir"

Then Google Image search "Tapir Smiling"

And your "dental pad" can go suck it.


gmnitsua OP t1_ixkci2i wrote

That's pretty disturbing.


Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixkcqqc wrote

It would seem, but it's still a tapir. As adults they human-like teeth.

But they are still amazing little mammals who mean no harm to no one.

They just have human teeth. Which is un-avoidably weird.


Clear_Flower_4552 t1_ixnoli7 wrote

Tapirs can be hundreds of pounds and one literally ripped a woman’s arm off a few years ago.

Generally they aren’t aggressive, but they can definitely wreck someone if they want to.


mmrrbbee t1_ixkh886 wrote

Teeth are just fish scales that evolved to be on the inside. The bones In our arms and chest are the same as 400 million year old fish, same as the bastards that came up on land, doing push ups the whole way. Fkrs


No-Ferret7004 t1_ixnit0h wrote

Thanks I needed those pictures 😊


Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixnk004 wrote

Not for nothing, a tapir a day is a smile a day.

I live in Washington State. My introduction to Tapirs was baby Kudzu at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.

I ken their teeth are weird. But they're so cute.