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muuus t1_iy0m88e wrote

Classic TIL. This sub is mostly misinformation/manipulation/unsupported claims.


[deleted] t1_iy0piw7 wrote



TurChunkin t1_iy0scql wrote

Yeah, well as someone who uses and hunts with one of these releases, I don't agree with their critique. IMO the surprise part is in fact an important element of how they are used.


incomingKiddo t1_iy1clat wrote

Well, they did say professional... and I would wager that hunting and competitive archery are very different


escapingdarwin t1_iy1exqm wrote

Many “factual” and “scientific” reddit posts are garbage info, be careful what you believe. The ones that say “could be”, “might be” are even worse.


Seto_Sora t1_iy0rmoq wrote

Incorrect. "Classic TIL" is an interesting post with limited info (usually due to character count or language barrier), and experts weighing in with more info or even more interesting info in the comments. The OP you commented on is "classic TIL." Your second sentence is not.


shhhhhhh_ t1_iy0u64k wrote

The real TIL is always in the comments!!