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huntingteacher25 t1_iw70y7c wrote

What I remember from my finance classes 30 years ago is our banking system is rigged a bit in favor of the banks. It’s needed because a developed country is only as strong as it’s banks. Of course their greed is an overwhelming force. Over time bankers buy enough politicians to occaisionally bankrupt themselves and we have to bail them out. Fucked up isn’t it.


Godtiermasturbator t1_iw7muqa wrote

Is your country really strong if it has to rely on that shit


huntingteacher25 t1_iw7ngx2 wrote

We have 330 million people. Because 30% of voters are completely clueless, they vote politicians who consistently steal their money to keep this cycle going. Now every generation is getting poorer so this isn’t going to end well for us. USA is like the star athlete with money to burn. Our system has worked for 200 years, not because it’s a good system, it’s because we have a shitload of natural advantages in our favor. Natural resources and good universities.


Godtiermasturbator t1_iw7oprm wrote

That's what I think too. We think we're bad ass because we have two oceans on either side of us, a shit ton of natural resources, and are lucky enough to not have Russia or China as a next door neighbor like our friends in Europe and Asia. We're cocky and nouveau riche and will burn out. If we survive that, maybe we'll grow up.


KingDarius89 t1_iw8k430 wrote

I apparently already had them on ignore. And I generally only do that if someone is exceptionally vile or stupid.


dressageishard t1_iw9o2of wrote

Yeh, I was never worried that our democracy was in danger. I do a lot of research on the candidates before I vote.


huntingteacher25 t1_iw9ot8f wrote

It was obvious that Trump was a danger to our country in 2016. I remember telling my nephew, a history teacher that very thing. He assured me the country had endured much worse politicians. He quickly admitted he was wrong. You may have but we elected a person who at best was a complete lunatic. At worst, he was indebted to the Russians and fed them info and favors. Our country is slowly retreating into nationalistic bullshit. Our system of checks and balances have been proven to be able to be overcome with crooked congressman and Supreme Court judges working together.


Chewyninja69 t1_iw9p65o wrote

I mean, this is assuming that voting isn’t rigged. If not on the national level (probably not), then most likely on the local level. Too many fingers, not enough pie.


herbw t1_iw86oc4 wrote

bs. WE DO what Singapore does and we get what Deng Hsaio Ping did , and returned prosperity to Chung Hua's ruinous maoist Practices.

Get rid of the rampant spending, get rid of ruinous damage to energy supplies, get rid or green rules which collapse the market efficiencies and watch the economy roar back from cheap energy; and elimination of command economy, greeny, marxist rules which ALWAYS create inefficiencies.

The ways into high inflation costs, too high for energy was obvious. So are the ways back to prosperities.

Nations are ruined by bad decisions and they grow by good policies. The madia of course is nutso anti-free markets and so of course, the whole thing ruins them.

cali, oregon, WA state, NYC and places round there have bad economies. High crime, high energy costs, food costs, etc.

In FL, TX, Alberta , CAN, they have low cost energy, and high prosperities. Drive South. Thank you, suzie boggess.


huntingteacher25 t1_iw874vj wrote

I’d love to debate you on many issues but from your other posts, facts do not drive your thought process.


Chewyninja69 t1_iw9phen wrote

I definitely want to stay away from anywhere near Florida. Place is a dumpster fire. And anyone who lives there, you have my condolences.


dressageishard t1_iw9nu13 wrote

I was a banker over 42 years. Your comments are a bit insulting. Not all bankers are greedy and not all are buying politicians.


huntingteacher25 t1_iw9p2zi wrote

The banks we had to bail out were plenty crooked. The banks I worked for preyed on the poor. I think I was honest too, but until I quit I was complicit.


dressageishard t1_iw9q1fv wrote

I was lucky in my career. I never worked for a predatory lender.


EricCarver t1_iw9rpjf wrote

Then you worked for a bank that did business with a predatory banker. We’re you a banker at a credit union? If so, which major bank was the bank they did transactions through?


Scrivener-of-Doom t1_iw5gdpl wrote

For a nation famous for its utter inability to deliver healthcare, it's astonishing that the USA is even worse at delivering a stable banking system.


IBeTrippin t1_iw5yqf6 wrote

The US delivers great healthcare. Its the payment system that's f'd up.


KingDarius89 t1_iw8kdq3 wrote

We have excellent doctors. The problem is that almost no one can actually afford them.


ShalmaneserIII t1_iw6reia wrote

> it's astonishing that the USA is even worse at delivering a stable banking system.

You mean before we actually created a stable banking system?


Scrivener-of-Doom t1_iw6ryj1 wrote

Yeah, banking can be reasonably stable if the fundamental principles are followed.

Of course, Americans refuse to do this so, every 10-20 years, American banksters collapse the global economy.

We're on track for the next one in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....


cupcake_napalm_faery t1_iw6obyt wrote

the creature from jekyll island (book)


herbw t1_iw855rx wrote

Morgan's timely and very large loans interventions, are generally creditted with substantially lessening the severity of the 1907 panic & providing solvency andfrecovery. That's why the coinage of 1909, VDB Pennies made them rarer.

IN almost every case, coin rarities from major economic down turns, such as the 1932 penny rarity, were due to economic troubles.


monkeypox_69 t1_iw6h6gr wrote

Creating the country's everlasting regret


EndofGods t1_iw6r8w2 wrote

I agree, but the people had no choice. A private banking system was previously defeated, but they kept trying. It's money...forever. as the country exists anyway.


ShalmaneserIII t1_iw6rqnp wrote

> A private banking system was previously defeated, but they kept trying.

And they keep trying. Bitcoin, for example. What could go wrong with private money? Dunno, how about the last few times it was tried.


SuccessfulStatement1 t1_iw5f8ip wrote

…. And we’ve been slaves ever since.


ovationman t1_iw5fh1w wrote

You do realize that banks have existed since the advent of human civilization right....


themagicbong t1_iw5gfsx wrote

Yes, and there was a time where people actually understood what central banks are/do and how badly they did NOT want them. Part of the reason why the creation of the fed was done in secret.


ovationman t1_iw5hrej wrote

Are you sure the individual account holder who risked losing everything during a bank failure cared?


themagicbong t1_iw5jz6k wrote

Yes, when they understood that central banks are responsible for sudden, huge swings in the market, and exist basically as a way to manipulate markets/prop up entire industries. Often this gives false signals and can lead to many things, such as ramping up in production to meet the new (fake) demand. Its not like you couldn't have protections for people without having an overarching central bank, separate from the govt, with total control over the monetary policy of the nation. Not to mention how easy it is for central banks to essentially redistribute wealth to themselves, while taking from everyone at the same time, in order to do said propping up I mentioned earlier, usually for political reasons.


usrevenge t1_iw5jqx1 wrote

Banks failed because they loaned out all their money and people then demanded the money back like a Ponzi scheme.

Banks still do this but they are required to have insurance to protect customers from their failure which is what FDIC is that you see on banking commercials. This means if bank of America shits the bed every customer can get all of their money back as long as they had less than $250,000 deposited.


ChevExpressMan t1_iw5ww5u wrote

What were the major causes of the Great Depression? Among the suggested causes of the Great Depression are: the stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.