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PutJewinsideME t1_iwgmiox wrote

Omg! Can't imagine how bad that one smells!!


BlurryBigfoot74 t1_iwgzsig wrote

I can reach back with my tongue and scoop them out. Never knew they smelled until one day I kept one and squished it in my fingers. I nearly died after smelling it. It's like bad breath times 4 million.

Sometimes when they're really big you can reach back with your finger and press the perfect spot to eject it.

Recently my doctor looked in my throat and asked when I had my tonsils removed. Said they were never removed, but I did pick that crap out of them all the time. He was fascinated. You never like hearing a doctor say "wow". I'd prefer if my doctor yawned from boredom the whole time.


TTVmeatce t1_iwha0ff wrote

that's not fascinating, or at least that isn't the word I would use


RetroMetroShow t1_iwhce4r wrote

A self administered tonsillectomy over time, picking them down to nubs seems more than interesting


TTVmeatce t1_iwhqcg2 wrote

I don't think that's what happened and that wasn't implied by the comment at all?


RetroMetroShow t1_iwifev8 wrote

The commenter said they picked at them constantly so much that the doctor thought they had already been removed


Bo-Banny t1_iwl4vwp wrote

My crypts have enlarged over time due to stones growing and shifting and shedding. Manual removal can definitely contribute to that, and the shape of the tissues might therefore lend to slimmer appearance of the organs


CrimsonToker707 t1_iwgnll3 wrote

TIL there are tonsil stones lol


DownvoteDaemon t1_iwgtlem wrote

Huh? I've heard of them but never had one or known anyone with them. We had this friend called Akin with really bad breath though, maybe he had them.


Thelgow t1_iwi4o3w wrote

My kid had them. Started getting worse as they got older, ended up getting a tonsillectomy to stop it.


ScratchMorton t1_iwia74d wrote

If his breath smelled like dog shit, likely it was caused by tonsil stones.


Jd20001 t1_iwh1rj1 wrote

I'm using this image to prove what 6 inches looks like to my gf


varadins t1_iwgnxxf wrote

How did the person swallow?!


eleanor61 OP t1_iwgoa3s wrote

Yeah…I would think it would have been really painful/noticeable even at 1 in. 😏


sooprvylyn t1_iwgrdwh wrote

Dude, you should notice them by like 1/4-1/2" for sure


eleanor61 OP t1_iwgy5ts wrote

I wonder if they just think it’s a sore throat or a cold without actually looking back there. I get tonsil stones fairly often, so I’m used to checking. Bleh.


sooprvylyn t1_iwh4jg6 wrote

I suppose its possible...cant fathom feeling a large lumpy mass in my mouth and not looking to see wtf is going on.


eleanor61 OP t1_iwhmhzj wrote

*with the smaller stones regarding my previous comment.


ScratchMorton t1_iwhq58i wrote

I do not see a 6 inch tonsil stone so not buying it. When I first learned I had them I plucked one out the size of a garbanzo bean and the stench was enough to gag a maggot. Eventually I had my tonsils removed because of those pesky funky goobers. I was 59 and the experience wasn’t as bad as my doc said it would be. So glad to not be dealing with them.


woolfyjr t1_iwhv4b5 wrote

Did your doc recommend getting your tonsils removed to get rid of them? I am getting them a lot more and I pick them out once a week. I've asked 3 different doctors about it and they all say not to worry about them and just use mouth wash.


ScratchMorton t1_iwi9wjt wrote

I didn’t consult a GP about it. I sought out an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat doc) and told him in no uncertain terms that I could not fancy myself poking in my throat and hacking up tonsil shits when I was an old woman and I needed to get these buggers out NOW! He was a young guy and totally sympathetic with my predicament and fixed me up. I tried mouthwash and whatnot. There’s really only one permanent fix, my friends: tonsillectomy.


woolfyjr t1_iwr13sx wrote

Thank you kindly for your response, I will look into an otolaryngologist about getting my tonsils removed because the bad breathe caused from these as well as the uncomfortability is not something I want to continue to deal with for life.


Classic_Ad545 t1_iwi0y1l wrote

I had mine out a few years ago at 38 and it was brutal lol. I've had a breast reduction with 250+ stitches and it was way less painful l


ScratchMorton t1_iwia2an wrote

I had my boobs done too. Walk in the park. Tonsils were worse I’ll grant you that, but worth it.


Classic_Ad545 t1_iwibqle wrote

100% agree, not having to scoop out my tonsils 5 times a day with a big bobby pin was worth the pain lol


Teledildonic t1_iwhitg6 wrote

That's a goddamned tonsil boulder.


FormerDork1992 t1_iwi0cee wrote

Am I the only one who doesn’t see a 6-inch tonsil stone in the thumbnail OR after clicking through to the trustcarehealth site? Morbid curiosity here, and I don’t see a dang thing


OsterizerGalaxieTen t1_iwjhhaq wrote

Damn. I'm glad tonsillectomies were pretty much standard when I was a kid. I got mine out at 7yo.


tewnewt t1_iwh0jkx wrote

Where does she put it?

I say that allll the time...
