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fcevatobo t1_ixfyqkv wrote

I’m guessing you got your letter today?


RosebudWhip t1_ixfyt4d wrote

It's the same in the UK. The Queen would send a telegram to people hitting that milestone, although I don't know if the telegram was updated to an email or something more modern in recent years.

I expect King Chas will follow on the tradition.


SatansMoisture t1_ixg1kz0 wrote

Canadians used to get a letter from the queen of england.


doesnoteatdicks t1_ixg3ucm wrote

“Dear Old Fuck. Congrats on not being dead yet. All of your friends are dead. Love, Donald.”


stevegoodsex t1_ixg42ea wrote

Honestly surprised we don't just make them president.


[deleted] t1_ixgas3h wrote

Imagine if it turned out to be a current member of Congress that you were sick of.

"Dear Senator Grassley,

Congratulations on your 100th birthday.

Please just retire already. Why are you still here? What the hell are you doing? It's pointless. It's all pointless. Stop it! Go do something fun. This can't be fun. Jesus, is this what I have to look forward to in my old age? Are you even allowed to eat cake anymore? I mean, hell, you're 100 anyway, why not? Farting too hard could kill you at this point, may as well enjoy what's left of your life. So please retire.

Yours Sincerely,

[Insert Name of President in 2033 Here]"


housevil t1_ixgceq1 wrote

Happy BB-Day. (The extra 'B' is for 'BYOB'.) Thanks for all the taxes LOL.



the_hell_you_say t1_ixgdxde wrote

"Happy birthday old balls!"

Signed...White House intern


tinyhorsesinmytea t1_ixgvylb wrote

Dang, my great grandmother was just a couple months away… and now here I am being constantly told that I look way younger than my age.


Wendals87 t1_ixharm5 wrote

I live in Australia and we got letters from the Queen for our 100th birthday

My friend got one when he was 22 for some reason! it's still on his fridge 10 years later


audibly_annoyed t1_ixhrx3y wrote

Can people get an apology letter from the pos Trump?


hg38 t1_ixi9ji9 wrote

He certainly doesn't sign those himself. 90,000 people turned 100 in 2020 up from 53,000 in 2010.


listyraesder t1_ixxyp4e wrote

In Ireland they get a cheque for €2,500. On each subsequent birthday they get a special medal from the government.