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Kent_Knifen t1_is81f5y wrote

Their filming method doesn't conform to typical "reality TV standards."

Sure, they go into episodes with a plan in mind. That does not make it scripted. Sometimes the plan works, sometimes it doesn't. If the plan fails bad enough, they scrap it in the editing. Sometimes, the plan exceeds all expectations (Reliant Robin NASA).

They had a plan in Alabama: piss people off. They did not hire extras to appear pissed off. It was candid, single-take. They did not plan how it would go.

They had similar issues while in Argentina. There, they weren't accused of faking it. Rather, they were accused of inciting a riot due to the license plate, a claim they were able to deny with proof (interview with the person who bought the car for the show).


puttinonthefoil t1_is81s1k wrote

There is literally not a single person being aggressive toward them on camera in the USA clip. They play spooky music under what looks like a truck full of migrant workers and zoom in on a dog. It’s all in editing. Did they get yelled at? I’m sure. Was it to the level of the literal fleeing for their lives they depicted it as? There’s no way.


Dodohead1383 t1_is8dyrn wrote

Just because you don't want to believe that hiccas Americans can be so fucking stupid and horrible, doesn't mean you're right. I've seen that episode several times and it's very obvious that she called a group of guys and they showed up and then chased them there was 3 vehicles. Were you in one of these vehicles and you're just trying to play it down?

You're probably the type of person who would say that the attempted overthrow of a democratically elected president on January 6th, was just a little nothing Burger...


puttinonthefoil t1_is8j3vj wrote

Lol, ya got me! I’m a trump supporter because Top Gear, like all television shows, is exaggerated for entertainment. Lol.

The white lady who’s anti-gay and Hillary called a truck full of non-white people as cavalry?

I’ve seen every episode of TG. They exaggerate for entertainment in literally every episode.