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Quelchie t1_iuit778 wrote

Imagine being lost in the desert and this is what you stumble across


Teledildonic t1_iuj11zy wrote

Oh thank god...civilization!

Dies next to sculpture in the middle of nowhere.


No_Requirement_1453 t1_iujane5 wrote

I met a traveller from an antique land,

Who said: “Six small and crackling speakers of plastic

Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered ipod lies, whose scroll wheel,

And cracked screen, and battery of little charge,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal these words appear:

“Our name is Toto, band of bands:

Listen on our works, ye Mighty, and despair!”

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that pocket-sized wreck, boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away.


gramathy t1_iujn619 wrote

Gonna take a lot to drag me awaaaaaay from youuuuuu


Xszit t1_iuip138 wrote

If Toto's classic "Africa" plays on a loop in the desert but nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?


bk15dcx t1_iuiv70u wrote

Yes because I hear the drums echoing tonight


praecipula t1_iujn1gs wrote

But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation 🤔


jmoney6 t1_iujpjw1 wrote

It will take 100 men or more to find this art installation


AJ787-9 t1_iuk4y6z wrote

Is she coming in on the 12:30 flight?


[deleted] t1_iujgcpb wrote



guynamedjames t1_iujvokn wrote

I'd be shocked if it were working 4 days later


JagerBaBomb t1_iuka2bk wrote

I sort of expected some kind of weather-proofing... nope, it's an iPod with some shitty solar pads and a couple pairs of $20 computer speakers all on Ikea-quality-looking pedestals.


Zebleblic t1_iuivga9 wrote

Just imagine you're lost in the desert. You find a sign of life. You can hear music. You get excited and rush up only to find an mp3 player and some speakers playing Africa on loop.


SaintUlvemann t1_iujljqz wrote

Putting a song about blessed African rains on permanent loop in the middle of an African desert is some next-level shade-throwing.


arkie87 t1_iujgkh6 wrote

it's for sure been buried by sand by now.


Kingswakkel t1_iuiqujx wrote

A perfect DJ doesn't exis..


qpwoeor1235 t1_iujiwmz wrote

Did he bless the rains tho


raz0rflea t1_iujz7mm wrote

I remember walking down an empty street once at 3am and hearing Guru Josh's Infinity playing from somewhere in a huge construction site...that was the most surreal experience, but I feel like hearing Africa on loop in the middle of an African desert would be like that times 1000!


santtu_ t1_iuk5c2c wrote

Is Toto getting paid royalties if no one is there to listen?


SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_iujjva7 wrote

Sounds like much Toto about nothing


Sneakyferret07 t1_iuka9fn wrote

Why did he use such a shitty setup tho


Arudj t1_iujwbxm wrote

Stumbling accross it must felt like some videogame easter egg putted by the dev for no reason. I imagine someone trying to figure out the why and how and moving the speakers or something to clear the riddle as if some chest or door will magically appear.


cribsaw t1_iuk5q29 wrote

So you can litter and call it art? Reminds me of the artist who literally starved a chained dog for his “art.”

I bet he just packed up his iPod and speakers after taking all the press photos and videos. “The idea is the art, man.”


SSSS_car_go t1_iuj5rm9 wrote

ob·nox·ious (/əbˈnäkSHəs/)


extremely unpleasant

Example: “setting up auto play for infinity"
