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theGnomad t1_irgqoxv wrote

This is the kind of stuff I want to see people talk about on r/conspiracy

I bet someone has a wild pin board at home they're itching to share, ha


humdinger44 t1_irgr7tm wrote

9/11 was just an over due completion of a INSIDE hit JOB on Joseph Trombino


theGnomad t1_irgra16 wrote

This is what I'm here for


humdinger44 t1_irgynee wrote

The three letter agency (not THAT one, the other one) needed the funds from the bank job to fund [redacted] and [redacted] was the [redacted] guy who didn't know it but he was originally supposed to be 'managed' by [redacted] but the [redacted] had an unrelated cardiac event and was subsequently [redacted] after the opportunity was lost. During his recovery [redacted] activated protocol [redacted] on the subject in question to mitigate personal responsibility for operation [redacted]. In order to eliminate suspicion & possible repercussions of his failure [redacted] conducted [redacted] with funding from the Kingdom of S[redacted] A[redacted] on September 11 2001. Follow-on operations at the convenience of the U[redacted] S[redacted] are seen as fortuitous to the K[redacted]S[redacted]A[redacted] due to problems of non compliance within O[redacted]P[redacted]E[redacted]C[redacted].

Rep report for [redacted] provided by [redacted].


humdinger44 t1_irh88jk wrote

Replying to myself:

Did fucking haliburton and kbr conspire with the KSA to pay advisors to GWB to recommend invading Afghanistan and Iraq?

Jesus I have to get over to r/conspiracy. This is my new life


DerpytheH t1_irgtjg3 wrote

Yeah, while I get it could definitely be conspiracy fodder, this turn of events does make sense.

Dude works private security, survives a televised and serious armed robbery. Stays at the same company, and becomes valued enough to work security for another high value asset, since he has experience surviving in stressful and emergent scenarios. Same thing happens, gets assigned to a similarly high value asset, and it gets attacked. This time, he unfortunately doesn't survive.


ns930 t1_irigyt0 wrote

I appreciate your logic here.

But it's kinda more fun to believe he pissed off Zeus or something.


fell-deeds-awake t1_irh1rhk wrote

No, see, you're not actually supposed to believe to the conspiracies posted here....


LukeyLeukocyte t1_irhhew7 wrote

What part of what he wrote sounded like he was believing the conspiracy posts?


DerpytheH t1_irhi3pc wrote

Yeah, for the record, I don't believe in any conspiracy theories. It just makes sense to me that someone who has experience being a private security officer when it comes to assets of high importance (Like a large set of commerce buildings in a financial district) would be trusted with being ground security for another asset of high importance.


LukeyLeukocyte t1_irhny6z wrote

I am on your side. I also think it makes sense. That's why I don't get why that guy responded to you like you were drinking the conspiracy Kool-aid when you were kinda doing the opposite - being rational and applying deductive logic to what appears to be a "too-crazy" coincidence.