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bolanrox t1_iu52uaj wrote

its like Wyatt Earp.. WHen he died he was really known only for refereeing a boxing match everyone thought he was paid to fix.

He and his wife happened to live longer than most of this contemporaries and were friends with the Hollywood circles.. and Josie was a bull dog about white washing and expanding on his hisotry..


PoopMobile9000 t1_iu57ynq wrote

It’s always so wild to be reminded how many people bridged the pre-modern and modern era. 1880 and 1920 seem like entire universes apart, far more than 1980 and 2020.

Like it seems perfectly reasonable to imagine someone seeing Star Wars in the theater and also using Twitter. But the idea of riding a train to the Wild West, and later taking a commercial airline flight?


TheSpanishDerp t1_iu5t8dc wrote

WW2 feels a lot closer to us than WW1 despite only 20 years between them. WW2 feels modern while WW1 feels archaic. It’s weird how we perceive things


Run_Che t1_iu622vu wrote

Its not just perception thing, its been like that for last couple hundred years. Insane pace of technological improvements have changed this world time and time again is short span.


Naive-Kangaroo3031 t1_iu7josy wrote

It's crazy to think that some people who grew up thinking radio was cutting edge watched the moon landing.

Now we have mumble rap and TikTok. What a time to be alive Sigh


lewphone t1_iu8gzwd wrote

I had a teacher in high school complain that there wasn't a way to have both instant news (like on television) with the ability to read different sections (like a newspaper).


TerrorFirmerIRL t1_iu85t3i wrote

I think because WW2 was a truly modern conflict of combined arms and most of the technologies we know today existed back then in rudimentary form.

Mass tank formations, strategic bombing, radar, missiles, jet fighters, effective combined arms strategies, aircraft carriers, etc.

Even though it was only 20 odd years prior WW1 had more in common with warfare of the past and unlike WW2, had no resemblance to a modern conflict really.

WW1 saw absolutely massive leaps in military technology and strategy that paved the way for how "modern" WW2 felt by comparison.

The war of 1918 had no resemblance to that of 1914. Everything had changed dramatically, from the basic uniforms to the appearance of massed tanks, and the strategies employed by both sides.

1914 was closer to the war of 1871 really in how it played out initially.


bolanrox t1_iu5tzsu wrote

One woman saw the wagon trains, and the Moon landing.

another guy saw Lincoln get shot and talked about it on a TV show.

Biden was born closer to Lincolns inauguration than his own.


InterminableSnowman t1_iu63p15 wrote

> Biden was born closer to Lincolns inauguration than his own.

Only if you use Lincoln's second inauguration. Lincoln's first was in 1861, 81 years before Biden was born in 1942, and Biden was inaugurated at 78 in 2021.


PoopMobile9000 t1_iu5u8b8 wrote

Yep. We talk about how the Internet has changed life and society, but it’s peanuts compared to the changes that occurred the prior turn of the century.


Mr_Metrazol t1_iu65lcs wrote

I've got a picture somewhere of one of the last Confederate Army veterans posing with a 1950's era jet fighter.


bolanrox t1_iu5dv9l wrote

for sure

Peter Capaldi saw Doctor Who when it first aired in 63 and in 2013(?) he was the Doctor.


Darmok47 t1_iu6ey5m wrote

Speaking of Elliott Ness and Al Capone...the original TV show The Untouchables (with Robert Stack as Eliott Ness) aired in the early 1960s, only roughly 30 years after the events it was based on.

But the 1960s and 1930s feel so incredibly far apart to us today, even though to the audience watching The Untouchables on ABC in 1960, it would be like us watching Stranger Things.


slavelabor52 t1_iu6m9uv wrote

Well if you think about it though, 1990 and 2020 are a lot further apart than you think. In 1990 most people did not have a personal computer, and there certainly wasn't widespread adoption of the Internet, those came in the late 90s like 1995 onward with Windows 95 adding support for networking via the Internet. In 1990 you wouldn't even have a cellular telephone let alone anything resembling a smartphone. Video calling, driverless cars, GPS, drones, etc were all the stuff of science fiction. We take for granted how much technology we have access to now that the public simply did not 30 years ago.


MasterFubar t1_iu65uey wrote

> 1880 and 1920 seem like entire universes apart

That's because of the huge changes brought by the invention of processes to mass produce steel in the 1860s. Henry Bessemer created the modern age. When cheap steel became available there was a whole new way of manufacturing everything.

Besides that, there were many important scientific discoveries. For instance, the concept of sanitation started by Florence Nightingale increased life expectation by twenty years during that period.


JesseCuster40 t1_iu79lbz wrote

1903: Wright Bros. first flight.

1966 69: First moon landing.

I still have trouble wrapping my mind around this.


warmbookworm t1_iu5v47l wrote

what? To me, 1880 and 1920 seems like "basically the same time" while 1980 and 2020 seems completely different.
