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Jamgull t1_jcr4p36 wrote

I’m imagining him making hard eye contact with the enemy tail gunner while he mulches up the plane with that comically large propeller


MitsyEyedMourning t1_jcr6oyv wrote

Making dog bite noises as metal bits fly.


chronoboy1985 t1_jcrj49u wrote

“Om nom nom!”


[deleted] t1_jctfh72 wrote



SarcasticSparky t1_jctjp4o wrote

I thought the same thing. There could have been other pilots to see, but the jammed guns and shredded prop may have been enough evidence.


NeroF t1_jcupehx wrote

They often had forward mounted "gun cameras" installed to document the engagements.


orhanGAZ t1_jcti2d9 wrote

I'm guessing from the description this was the Pacific theater thus a Japanese enemy aircraft. Is it possible they were still using wood to build their AC making this feat a little easier?

I thought I read this in history that it made the AC very fast and maneuverable, but frail compared to American AC. Philosophy was fighting to the death, less about returning from mission.

Please by all means correct me if I don't have my facts straight.


Rhaedas t1_jcty1kd wrote

I can say for certain that a Zero does not hold up well to a Sidewinder.


Psybor9 t1_jcu2v3k wrote

The Japanese Zero was made of duralumin, a secret special aluminum that didn’t provide armor but allowed the plane to be extremely maneuverable, it was almost half the thickness of the metal used in allied aircraft.


Jamgull t1_jcvptgd wrote

The control surfaces on the tail were fabric covered aluminium or wood. The tail itself was usually stressed skin aluminium over an aluminium frame. I think the key to doing this successfully is to approach very slowly, otherwise you will destroy your engine in the process of bringing down the enemy plane.

I have actually done this in the flight sim IL-2 1946, though those were against planes that didn’t have defensive gunners because that is frankly suicidal, and I don’t know how this real pilot didn’t just get shot.


Delamoor t1_jcvwr4h wrote

Gunner might have used all his ammunition before the pilot got close... Or the plane remained outside of his firing arc.

You would have to be pretty confident to get that close to an enemy bomber. Might have been lingering for a while.


orhanGAZ t1_jcx6sgr wrote

Thank you for your Insight and detail on the tail structure and materials


Komnos t1_jctya6p wrote

"Will it blend? That is the question!"

(moments later) "A6M 'Zero' dust. Don't breathe this!"


Dawnawaken92 t1_jctunph wrote

What kind of plane was he in?


[deleted] t1_jctypnt wrote



gemstun t1_jcu4jfs wrote

Also, cockpit of this pilots particular plane had to be specially modified to accommodate pilot’s extraordinarily large balls.