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No-Neighborhood2152 t1_jdeokx9 wrote

There is a problem with not allowing them to be used for food though...

Having a horse market for food puts a floor on the price of a horse. Meaning that if you cannot afford to care for a horse, feed the horse and the horse is not suitable to be sold you can send it to an auction where it will typically be sold for slaughter, not necessarily for human consumption.

The cost for putting down a horse in my area is about 400 dollars plus a travel fee. Around $750 for me in total. People that can't afford, or just plain suck, will stick the horse out to pasture and not provide food or care, or release it to the wild. I'm a horse lover so I do not like the end of life of a horse sent to a kill plant, but I would argue that the alternative is often far far worse.


Doctor_Expendable t1_jdew8z3 wrote

Where my parents live it seems like everyone has a horse. Not as a beloved family pet, or to ride, or to work. Just to have.

You've never seen more horses standing listlessly in fields that are too small for them. No shelter in those fields. No other horses. Out of eyeline from the houses usually too.

I'd rather eat a horse than see those horses "live" like they do


tinman82 t1_jdg5e6s wrote

Man I've seen tons of that. It's crazy. I always assumed horses were inherently expensive to care for. They don't look good though. I also saw a cow in a plus size dog house and a pen that was crazy.


GenJRipper t1_jdey6qc wrote

Damn I spent like 1k to put my dog down when it was her time. Spent like 10k on bills the previous 6 months to keep her around so it didn’t seem like much to me since I would have paid anything to make her healthy again. For a large animal like a horse that seems.. cheap I guess?


Dramatic-Caramel-670 t1_jdf315z wrote

It does not cost 1k to have a dog put down. You got seriously ripped off.


BabyTRexArms t1_jdf8mn1 wrote

Yeah I am wondering how in the f it cost $1000. And $10k for the last year of life. I live in Seattle, super high CoL and vet costs in the city. That would be insane even for here multiple times over.


camwhat t1_jdfr8r3 wrote

Seems like something they would do out here.


GenJRipper t1_jdfvul8 wrote

The cost for her last months of life was she was on a ton of meds and I was taking her in like every week for assessments and check ups. She was my girl so I didn’t mind. I’m in SoCal with ties to Seattle. I was giving my dog like 15 pills a day before her GDV happened. I’m glad I got my 14 years, she was likely closer to 17-18 when she passed


GenJRipper t1_jdfulxa wrote

It was I think the fact that I brought her there that morning and a couple things where done during the assessment. You are correct when I look back it wasn’t just the putting down part that cost me that much.


GenJRipper t1_jdfxmwx wrote

The biggest cost to me was losing my dog, GDV is a son a a bitch that more owners should be aware of. Nowadays when a dog gets fixed they can do something to prevent it.


WillingPublic t1_jdf16gs wrote

You are correct, but public opinion is so out of wack on this topic that it is hard to have a rational conversation.

Several years ago I was involved in a zoning process in a rural county with many active farms on it. Coincidently, someone else was trying to build an abattoir to process horse meat. This is absolutely an allowed use in an agriculturally zoned area, and the developer just needed what should have been an automatic approval. Long story short, the county turned down the approval and more-or-less said “sue us.” So even though it was legal in fact, public opinion made it illegal.

As I recall, the abattoir was being developed to process horse meat for export.


furiousfran t1_jdis5ct wrote

>You are correct, but public opinion is so out of wack on this topic that it is hard to have a rational conversation.

We could feed people with all the millions of unwanted dogs and cats too but if you bring that up everyone thinks you're a monster 🤷


Thetrueredditerd t1_jdkn3wk wrote

Just get a shotgun and aim for the head and just bury the thing 6ft feet under.