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ironroad18 t1_jbn2rdh wrote

Red Foxx use to roast the shit out of Aunt Ester. When I grew up I learned that he and Aunt Ester (Lawanda Paige) were best friends in real life.


TheLizardQueen3000 t1_jbn81j4 wrote

I was teasing a friend once about his cute new girlfriend, and I told him she was so ugly I was going to stick her face in dough and make gorilla cookies, which is my favorite Aunt Esther insult. He thought it was so funny to this day her nick-name is Gorilla Cookies!


ebookit t1_jbnrnzc wrote

Lawanda Paige was beautiful as well when she was young.

You can't get away with the insults between Fred and Ester on modern day TV.


Timmy26k t1_jbo1arn wrote

You absolutely could? It's always sunny in Philadelphia has said and insinuated worse


ironroad18 t1_jbpt6h3 wrote

You haven't seen the episode where Fred argues with a cop in traffic court.


Timmy26k t1_jbrro6i wrote

My grandfather has every season on DVD and has memorized every word of every single show and it was the only show he watched when I grew up in his house

Edit: he is also a hoarder


BabyDeezus t1_jbqdg9h wrote

Yes you for sure could lol. There are just such a wide variety of programs now that it’s easy to point to some super PC ones and go “oh these days…”

Meanwhile the party that usually complains about sensitive snowflakes gets offended by the lyrics in rap music.


DBDude t1_jbpjnid wrote

If you watch the more current series Mrs. Brown's Boys (Brendan O'Carroll in old woman drag), he is constantly roasting the shit out of his neighbor, who in real life is his sister. His wife also plays one of his kids, and his son and daughter also have roles.