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grease-beef-patty t1_jef55mm wrote

maybe I had a bad batch, but chicory coffee tasted like pencil shavings to me. Hated it.


VersatileFaerie t1_jefo3qw wrote

From what I have heard from people who like it, you never want to drink it plain. It needs milk or a creamer to balance out the taste. So if you enjoy your coffee with put any additions or with very little sugar or creamer, you will not find a way to enjoy chicory coffee. I have heard dandelion coffee is closer to the taste of coffee without having any actual coffee in it. The problem is that it is hard to find in most places and you would have to grow them yourself since so many people use chemicals on their lawns. I've thought about growing them in a pot since I rent, but my cats are rude and eat any plant I try to grow, so I have given up until I have more space.


typhoidtimmy t1_jefptnl wrote

Chicory drinker here on occasion

Absolutely. Needs milk or something to cut the bite. And that bite is damn big.

Edit: Now I want to try it with condensed milk. That sounds delicious.


Jameszhang73 t1_jeftdis wrote

Try it at any Vietnamese restaurant. Most use Cafe du Monde coffee grounds with condensed milk


bolanrox t1_jefwej1 wrote

i've had Thai iced coffee and tea (the tea is way better imo) plenty. Assuming its similar?


Jameszhang73 t1_jeg1bff wrote

I'm not as familiar with Thai coffee but it does look similar from what I can see. Viet coffee is less spiced and more sweet.


ksdkjlf t1_jegnwkv wrote

Thai coffee is really interesting: it's usually not just coffee. The most common brand I see — this one — is actually only 50% coffee, along with roasted corn and soy. Other common ingredients are sesame, cardamom, and rice. So, similar to Viet coffee in that it's sort of filled out with lesser ingredients, but the flavor profile of Thai coffee is pretty unique


Music_City_Madman t1_jefnbfe wrote

I tried it twice now and I just can’t enjoy it as much as coffee. You can definitely tell the difference unless you’re used to it.


tonyisadork t1_jefxnb7 wrote

No, you're right. It's gross. Helps ya poop, though!


lorddoa t1_jeg1oix wrote

Back in the early 2000s, Texas prisons had two types of coffee. Foldger's instant for like $4.00 a can and a brand of Chicory I can't remember for $1.00. I only made the mistake of getting chicory once.


Davethephotoguy t1_jeg7nm7 wrote

I received chicory as a gift. You’re not wrong, it tastes like ass.


MN8616 t1_jegvpw7 wrote

Back in the day went to NO on business and host took me for "coffee". Definitely an acquired taste. Definitely needs milk to "soften" it.