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WalterS0bchack t1_jdqjjck wrote

Yet another sad example of racism in America.


Pherllerp t1_jdqs0u7 wrote

Yeah the whole anti-disco thing was mostly just an anti-black, anti-urban, and anti-gay reaction.

Disco never went a way though.


Ok_Yoghurt_3338 t1_jds59de wrote

It was anti gay. I’m not sure how people in urban environments would be anti urban but I don’t think the anti disco movement was led in rural America. This particular event had racists at it because it was in a racist area when racism was prevalent in general, but they also owned the records ahead of time which does create some controversy in saying this was purely driven by racism or hate.


garrethgobulcoque t1_jdqom0f wrote

This. I can't recall the details, but I remember that the "Disco Demolition" was first and foremost motivated by racism and not a "hate for disco music".


[deleted] t1_jdqp7qm wrote



JoshuaZ1 t1_jdrvwpy wrote

Disco was scene as affiliated with black people and white gay men. This is discussed in part in the article that OP linked to.