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WaterChi t1_javupkd wrote

> People who want to live in a society clearly want to have an easier life full of pleasures, where the responsibility of themselves is lessened to the point where they don’t have to worry.

That is a staggering level of ignorance. Humans are social animals. If you're a sociopath, go on your merry way but don't try to poison the rest of us.

> I’ve lived in the country have my life and the city half my life. The words I’d use to describe those in the country is giving, hard working, friendly, and family. Those in the city would be selfish, greedy, ignorant, and lazy.

Then explain why almost all the wealth generated in the US is generated in cities.... on a per capita basis. Explain why rural areas are wastelands while cities continue to grow and thrive. Reality disagrees with you.