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Lecterr t1_je3cr6e wrote

I mean chik fil a is a restaurant, not a religious institution. It’s leadership and employees lean to the Christian side, and that side obviously leans towards some ignorant beliefs (though most are not offensive to anything but logic), but to imply that it defines the restaurant seems kind of ridiculous, given how successful they are.


TechInventor t1_je3vpc7 wrote

I worked in multiple stores across multiple years - they don't just lean Christian. The stores, the owners, and most management are deeply religious in my experience. I was pressured to go to Dave Ramsey classes, go to church, pray at every meeting, etc.

Not saying it is an evil place, most of the people I worked with were the kind to practice what they preach and aren't hateful people. But don't fool yourself into thinking the individual restaurants aren't as religious as the brand as a whole.


ericdag t1_je3m7wj wrote

They use their profits to promote hate. F them