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sugar_addict002 t1_je24kb4 wrote

Maybe, over time. But I doubt we are now or will bein the future. Thanks to the Republicans, we are devolving.


YeahitsaBMW t1_je3pfx1 wrote

You understand that the definition of a conservative is someone that wants things to remain the same, where as a progressive wants change.

Tell me who is to blame again?


sugar_addict002 t1_je57v1v wrote

Republicans haven't been controlled by conservatives in a long time. Republican are to blame for America's devolution, as well as Moderate Democrats.


YeahitsaBMW t1_je5yypw wrote

No. It is quite clearly the liberal agenda pushed by the extreme left wing of the democrat party. What is a woman? If can’t answer that without being a biologist, you might be part of the problem.


ElfMage83 t1_je7vnlq wrote

>the extreme left wing of the democrat party

The Democratic Party is in the center at best. If that's “the extreme left wing” then you're off the charts to the right.


YeahitsaBMW t1_je82ocm wrote

>the extreme left wing of the democrat party

There is also an extreme left wing of the Republican party... Just like there is an extreme right of the Democratic party.


ElfMage83 t1_je95sko wrote

My point is that nothing about regular American politics is “extreme left”. If only.


sugar_addict002 t1_je6rdnv wrote

you are nuts

turn off Fox before they convince you that slavery is natural and normal an the America way


YeahitsaBMW t1_je6z6eh wrote

Remind me again, which is the party of Lincoln? Was he a southern Democrat?


sugar_addict002 t1_jea3dus wrote

Remind me again. how disingenuous, dishonest and mediocre republicans can be. Oh you just did.


YeahitsaBMW t1_jea74b3 wrote

If I was a member of the party that fought for slavery, believe me, I would try to fucking gas light everyone by coming up with every reason in every book to distance myself from them. Including aliens, lizard people, and a "party swap" that most certainly never happened.

Democrats are still every bit as racist as they have ever been, they are just better at hiding it.

Remind me how delusional, false....nevermind. You know where this is going.


sugar_addict002 t1_jeaohr2 wrote

People who vote for the democrats know who's really gas-lighting. You can have those who believe your bullshit.


YeahitsaBMW t1_jearrt4 wrote

>People who vote for the democrats know who's really gas-lighting

Do you though? Cause it really doesn't seem like it, or it is even worse than I thought.


sugar_addict002 t1_jebsb3x wrote

comically absurd you are

and lame

no surprise there


YeahitsaBMW t1_jebsi00 wrote

Thanks Yoda!

You have run out of talking points, bummer. Back to MSNBC with you!


sugar_addict002 t1_jebxb4n wrote

Your "I know you are but what am I " routine has already been done.


YeahitsaBMW t1_jecgq5p wrote

Yeah by democrats since they lost the fight on civil rights.