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chemamatic t1_j9zkeor wrote

Because that is way too sensible and effective. Navies had been doing that for a long time. The failure here is so predictable, you can't get the split second synchronization you need between the two barrels, so one fires first, snapping the chain.


Potatoswatter t1_ja0hzcb wrote

They could have had one big chamber behind the two bores. The force would still be uneven but at least on time.


youwantitwhen t1_ja0yq0f wrote

Any slight frictional difference between the bores will doom it. That is the real Achilles heel.


Dirt_E_Harry t1_j9zlbkp wrote

If they had just put a set of ball-chain down each of the bore, they might have won the war. On second thought, maybe it was for the best they were a bunch of dummies.


Dominarion t1_ja1fqei wrote

It did work, but they were too frightened by the results. Which, thinking of it, proves even more that they were dummies.


fixITman1911 t1_ja0kuve wrote

it sounds like it actually fired fine, and the chain snapped in it's flight


TheSlamster t1_ja09jbn wrote

No you don’t understand, the very bad is of their idea had the potential to change war in a way far greater than the nuclear bomb. The war gods thus deemed it unusable and snapped its chain in their bovicidal show of power.


oomio10 t1_ja3abfc wrote

> bovicidal

I learned a new word today, but will not likely ever see another chance to use it.


Admetus t1_ja2m1id wrote

And meanwhile there's such a powerful moment/torque that the trajectories are completely unpredictable as stated in the title.


chulookin2 t1_ja3r2rc wrote

Exactly why The two canons in downtown Nanaimo were forcibly removed by Canada's gang leader Trudeau...


oplus t1_ja1z5hd wrote

But how do you get the rapid acceleration in a single barrel to not snap the chain?


chulookin2 t1_ja3qua9 wrote

Similar to dieseling a pellet gun with petroleum jelly YouTube that...