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Dirt_E_Harry t1_j9zjlt9 wrote

Why not just put the two cannon ball attached by chain down the bore of one cannon?


chemamatic t1_j9zkeor wrote

Because that is way too sensible and effective. Navies had been doing that for a long time. The failure here is so predictable, you can't get the split second synchronization you need between the two barrels, so one fires first, snapping the chain.


Potatoswatter t1_ja0hzcb wrote

They could have had one big chamber behind the two bores. The force would still be uneven but at least on time.


youwantitwhen t1_ja0yq0f wrote

Any slight frictional difference between the bores will doom it. That is the real Achilles heel.


Dirt_E_Harry t1_j9zlbkp wrote

If they had just put a set of ball-chain down each of the bore, they might have won the war. On second thought, maybe it was for the best they were a bunch of dummies.


Dominarion t1_ja1fqei wrote

It did work, but they were too frightened by the results. Which, thinking of it, proves even more that they were dummies.


fixITman1911 t1_ja0kuve wrote

it sounds like it actually fired fine, and the chain snapped in it's flight


TheSlamster t1_ja09jbn wrote

No you don’t understand, the very bad is of their idea had the potential to change war in a way far greater than the nuclear bomb. The war gods thus deemed it unusable and snapped its chain in their bovicidal show of power.


oomio10 t1_ja3abfc wrote

> bovicidal

I learned a new word today, but will not likely ever see another chance to use it.


Admetus t1_ja2m1id wrote

And meanwhile there's such a powerful moment/torque that the trajectories are completely unpredictable as stated in the title.


chulookin2 t1_ja3r2rc wrote

Exactly why The two canons in downtown Nanaimo were forcibly removed by Canada's gang leader Trudeau...


oplus t1_ja1z5hd wrote

But how do you get the rapid acceleration in a single barrel to not snap the chain?


chulookin2 t1_ja3qua9 wrote

Similar to dieseling a pellet gun with petroleum jelly YouTube that...


Poopy_McTurdFace t1_ja13323 wrote

While that was practiced regularly in the past, the double barrel cannon was supposed to make it so the two balls were stretched out and the chain could cut down advancing soldiers. Stuffing both balls down one barrel causes the shot to spin around wildly and it loses some accuracy.


Rubcionnnnn t1_ja1gpg6 wrote

The confederates weren't too bright.


NemosGhost t1_ja39urv wrote

The union won by sheer numbers and then resorting to terrorism.

The Confederates killed way many more yankees than the other way around.


KA-ME-HA-ME- t1_ja40vme wrote

So what if the traitors killed more patriots? They still lost and killing more makes them worse


NemosGhost t1_ja43u0y wrote

Lincoln started the war and resorted to rape and terrorism. He is responsible for that. And most of those fighting for the Union did so because Lincoln would fucking arrest or kill them if they didn't.

There was no good side. The Confederate states left for the wrong reason, but they made EVERY attempt to leave peacefully as was their absolute, legally documented, right to do so (right to secession was a condition of ratifying the Constitution). Lincoln refused all diplomacy and started the war, and he didn't give a flying fuck about slavery. He killed those people and shredded the Constitution for power and power alone. That makes him worse by orders of magnitude.

Put the fairy tales down.


[deleted] t1_ja25quh wrote



GreyEilesy t1_ja2gso9 wrote

From a simple google search, neither of those claims are true.

Ironclads were invented by the French navy and submarines have been designed multiple times since the 16th century. And even if you stretch it to only include metal submarines, there is the Brandtaucher which predates the confederacy by 10 years.


bigsoupsteve t1_ja3gun0 wrote

Lmao as if those idiots could actually invent anything useful


jervoise t1_ja019b5 wrote

Increasing the weight of the payload without extra force reduces the range. Also the chain doesn’t really help against infantry.


eLonLonRanch t1_ja06qnn wrote

Oh it most definitely would. Chain shot was already a thing long before, you would just use smaller caliber balls or half balls for it.


TatonkaJack t1_ja0i98y wrote

Yeah but it wasn’t for infantry, it’s primary use was for destroying rigging. Grapeshot was used for infantry


Poopy_McTurdFace t1_ja12kw9 wrote

It used to be used against infantry and fortress garrisons, but the carnage it created was so nasty a treaty was signed to ban it's use on land.


TatonkaJack t1_ja14v99 wrote

All I can find is that it was used a handful of times on land. What treaty are you talking about?


Poopy_McTurdFace t1_ja19vc7 wrote

The instance I'm thinking of was the 1631 destruction of Magdeburg. I was mistaken on the attackers using it as it was actually the defenders using it instead. The Wikipedia page for chain-shot has a brief mention that the use of chain on land against infantry angered the attackers, but isn't specific on exactly why or how. Edit: Here is the bit that was written containing mention of the use of chain on the attackers.

After some googling, this is the closest thing referencing what I remember, that the use of chain on land was seen as especially nasty, and connects those sentiments to Magdeburg. As for a treaty, the treaty signed after the war ended made no mention on weapon or munition bans, so I must be mistaken on that front too. Not to mention that use of chain against infantry in a few instances in the 19th century suggests that no recognized bans were in place.


Ragnar_Lothbruk t1_ja2d0g6 wrote

>The Wikipedia page for chain-shot has a brief mention that the use of chain on land against infantry angered the attackers, but isn't specific on exactly why or how.

Angering the attackers is an amusing choice of words.


jervoise t1_ja0gyfk wrote

this is in comparison to two shots. a chain shot can only spread itself out about 2 feet wide. dont get me wrong, it was nasty, but there's a reason it was primarily used for naval combat, and never was consistently used on land.