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The_Presitator t1_j9y66ak wrote

People now don't realize that Jaws, which features horrifying, onscreen body dismemberment, is only rated PG. I like to ask people what they think it's rated and they're usually guessing R.

Imagine if that movie came out today.


Mountain_Sweet_5703 t1_j9zi22l wrote

There’s the Bad News Bears(1976) a movie about a youth baseball team being coached by an old alcoholic who recruits a girl. It’s a weird relationship, don’t think about it.

One kid says (I’m sorry) “Jews, Spics, Ni**ers, and now A GIRL??”. He says that multiple times I think.

This movie was a smashing success that inspired many sequels, including one set in Tokyo.

You guessed it, PG lol. It was just around before anything else.

Fun fact: this movie starred Jackie Earle Haley, who played Rorschach in Watchmen and Freddy Krueger in the 2010 remake. He’s a slightly-older child who smokes cigarettes, rides his dirt bike onto the field, hits on older women, and hits dingers during intentional walks to win the game.


HPmoni t1_ja90ch0 wrote

Cancel him!

But the movie showed a racist growing as a person. We've lost that in our society.


Mountain_Sweet_5703 t1_ja92qis wrote

Uhh, wrongo, Tanner did anything but grow out of his racist shitty ways in that movie. Maybe in the later ones idk, but he was an unrepentant shithead as are most naughty children.


french-caramele t1_j9ylccm wrote

Sex and drugs were much more taboo than violence. Things that lead to free thinking and happiness are extreme threats to oligarchy and crony capitalism. Violence just creates more anger and makes it easy for bad actors to sow division among society (aka the poors).


Scottland83 t1_j9zzbn9 wrote

Does that line help you get laid by college chicks?


LobsterMassMurderer t1_ja0lomd wrote

And airplane! Was rated PG as well. It has boobies! Imagine how excited young me was the first time I saw it


FlimFlamStan t1_ja0hnll wrote

Star Wars had to fight to get a PG. It originally came in with the dreaded G rating.


Scottland83 t1_j9zyz22 wrote

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is rated G, for fuck’s sake, with the hardest scene to watch in any Star Trek until Picard.


Theyos t1_ja2lni6 wrote

Which scene?


Scottland83 t1_ja2prc4 wrote

Transporter malfunction. And not the fun kind, the death kind.


Theyos t1_ja2u3rs wrote

Oh yeah, fair enough.

Though I will say some of those assimilation/Queen death scenes in First Contact went hard, and Tuvok's Event Horizon fantasies were around before Picard brought the mood down.


Scottland83 t1_ja2xsu8 wrote

I don’t mean the gore in Picard, I just mean Picard was a terrible experience to watch.

What Event Horizon fantasies?


Theyos t1_ja2zsqq wrote

>I don’t mean the gore in Picard, I just mean Picard was a terrible experience to watch.

Ah, fair enough, thought you were talking about the age rating still.

>What Event Horizon fantasies?

This scene


Venturin t1_ja0opo1 wrote

It does? I don’t recall the featured onscreen body dismemberment, which scenes were those?


RevanTheDemon t1_ja0kkdt wrote

PG and PG13 are both red flags for a very poor quality movie today. If I'm iffy about a movie and I see it's rated PG13, I'm not going to watch it. Because more often than not it's a terrible movie.

If I'm iffy on it and it's rated R, however, more often than not it ends up being worth the watch and effort. PG13 means they've watered down an R Rated movie to garner a larger audience. IE the upcoming Daredevil movie, which is self admitted to be less violent and "Friendlier to a larger audience". Completely disregarding the fact that what made the show a success is the violence and adult themes.


Bruce-7891 t1_ja1t9u0 wrote

It depends ok the genre really. October sky is a good movie based on a true story and has a PG rating. It didn’t require any sex or violence to tell the story so why change it for the sake of making it edgier? If it’s a horror, war or crime movie, I agree with you.


HPmoni t1_ja8zyyp wrote

The violence in Jaws is now pretty corny.