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EddieRando21 t1_ja13k3n wrote

"If you can get addicted to it, we can sell the crap out of it" - Phillip Morris.

I'd love to see the ads they could come up with for crack or heroin.


Djidji5739291 t1_ja1683m wrote

There are some old ads for meth lol. Not sure who was selling it


theoneandonly6558 t1_ja17zlt wrote

Are you thinking of the anti-meth commercials they quit playing because the song was too catchy?


Djidji5739291 t1_ja18mso wrote

No I mean literal advertisements for amphetamines going:
„Stay fit and slim by using Amphetamine“
A lot of hard drugs were legal during prohibition, you could take hard drugs but alcohol was banned.


[deleted] t1_ja2xork wrote



Djidji5739291 t1_ja3h7cm wrote

Yeah thanks for pointing that out. I can‘t imagine someone on cocaine, meth or anything else driving better than a drunk person and I‘ve literally seen people test and confirm your statement. Goes to show how much we underestimate alcohol and think of illegal drugs as the devil.


Mediocre_Truth_6115 t1_ja37my4 wrote

You're right.

There's probably some other GABAergic drugs that could have that same effect that aren't as common though.


[deleted] t1_ja4rxhk wrote



gc3 t1_ja27yoy wrote

Amphetamines were given to German soldiers during WW2 by the bucketful


pseudocultist t1_ja2thc0 wrote

Methamphetamine. We were using amphetamines but "supposedly" not meth. But the Air Force was probably adding meth to the pilots injections. It's mildly contentious.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja1gm8d wrote

Alcohol is a hard drug and daily use of alcohol is probable worse for your health than daily use of amphetamine.


Stunning_Carpenter68 t1_ja1q6br wrote

I think that really depends. Daily street meth though? Definitely not lol


myusernamehere1 t1_ja1v1g3 wrote

Really depends on the dosage and purity. If meth/amphetamine were legal, well regulated, with informed users, it would likely be less damaging than alcohol. Obviously people who regularly take very high doses will have health issues, but this can be compared to binge drinking which is also horrible for your health.


Analysis-Klutzy t1_ja1vgu8 wrote

Yes we get alcohol is objectively less toxic. Isn't going to make my ice head neighbour any where near as peaceful as even a drunk lol


myusernamehere1 t1_ja1x58b wrote

Because alcohol is legal meaning that regular law abiding citizens can easily access it. Amphetamine/meth being illegal skews the statistics such that only people willing to break the law can access it, and mentally unhealthy/ill people are more likely to be willing to break the law.


sharaq t1_ja4jp0u wrote

Stimulants are much more likely to cause psychosis than alcohol is in a much shorter period of time. Within a few weeks of stimulant use, one in a thousand users experience full blown schizophrenia like symptoms. The rate of alcoholic hallucinosis is one in four thousand and only occurs amongst individuals using it for many years; and typically has much milder symptoms typically isolated to visual and tactile stimuli.

The rate of addiction is much lower in alcohol users, at around one in twenty adults. I don't know how many adults try methamphetamine and develop addiction, but colloquially and from my experience with substance abuse programs, the ratio of first use to addiction is much higher by an order of magnitude.

Alcohol is a toxin, yes, but every mammal has evolved to seek out and (within limits) safely metabolize alcohol. Strong stimulants are not something we have evolved alongside. I think there's many safer substances that are unfairly regulated when alcohol gets a pass but methamphetamine simply isn't one.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5kqnl wrote

This is all due to prohibition of their use, lack of access to information on how to safely use them, and them being illegal skews user statistics towards people who already have mental health issues. In order for stimulants to cause psychosis, someone would have to take very large doses. I am not saying there are no side effects.


Tomcatjones t1_ja3yk9d wrote

The problem with the argument is that meth/amphetamines ARE legal and regulated as prescribed. And can be abused of course

Alcohol is just regularly abused.

Both can be very safe in time, setting, and dose


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5jsed wrote

During prohibition, alcohol could be prescribed. This did not stop illegal distilleries from producing alcohol that had unsafe levels of byproducts which caused even worse health effects than alcohol would alone.

I do not see amphetamine/meth being legal to prescribe as an issue with my argument, as we are not talking about medicinal use. They are illegal to use recreationally, unlike alcohol, leading to all sorts of issues.


Tomcatjones t1_ja5k43h wrote

That was my point. You can abuse anything legal or not..


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5l1ll wrote

I mean obviously. My point is that legality of recreational use has a lot to due with how something is perceived, the amount of available information for harm reduction, and skews the statistics such that only people willing to break the law will do so.


Mediocre_Truth_6115 t1_ja37xft wrote

I don't know why people are downvoting you.

What you're saying isn't objectively untrue.

Alcohol is horrible for you, and so are most other drugs, but alcohol is horrible for you no doubt.


SagaciousTien t1_ja5clhz wrote

Meth and amphetamines are legal and regulated. They're just controlled substances. You can possess either with a prescription. Desoxyn is the market name for Methamphetamine. It was originally prescribed for severe obesity cases before reaching the ADHD market.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5kt1z wrote

Im talking about recreational use


SagaciousTien t1_ja5lywv wrote

Do enough drugs and you'll realize there's no difference.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5mepk wrote

I dont see your point. Legality of recreational use has a lot to do with access to knowledge on harm reduction, presence of impurities or adulterants, and skews the statistics of users towards those who are already prone to addiction and/or struggling with mental health issues.


Djidji5739291 t1_ja2byep wrote

Yeah tobacco and alcohol rank high for the most dangerous drugs just because of how addictive they are and how many people they kill. A lot of people would rank alcohol and tobacco #1 and #2. Alcohol being banned while meth was legal, and alcohol now being advertised to kids while meth is banned but seriously easy to get, it shows that you need to go far beyond prohibiting substances if you actually want to do something about addictions.

Not sure why you‘re being downvoted, I welcome you pointing out that substances killing countless people are still being advertised as harmless and great and I‘m not sure if people are aware that alcohol is killing as many people as it is.


jervoise t1_ja2mrmo wrote

They rank so highly, because they are legal as well. How much something kills is massively warped by how many people take it.


Djidji5739291 t1_ja3gq30 wrote

I think that was his point, we gotta stop demonizing drugs and understand what they are and how to stop people from taking them or getting addicted.

There‘s a quote about a government needing to legalize drugs once the effects of banning them become worse than the actual drug. For example punched drugs that will kill people. For example drugs that are mixed so much, they are multiple times more harmful than the drug the consumer was trying to consume. Also criminality around the drug use and possession.

In my city you can legally take heroin and it‘s the most sane thing in the world. You see when your city develops a huge drug problem you either start helping the victims, or you start using force against people that are CLEARLY in need of help and pose no real threat…


FriendlyAndHelpfulP t1_ja4theg wrote

>Clearly in need of help and pose no real threat…

…Right until they run out of money. Opiates in particular rise in cost at an exponential rate.

When you’re starting out, a $10 Vicodin pill can be broken up into a week of getting high.

Then you very quickly find yourself needing to rail a $60 Roxy 30 to feel a buzz.

Then you switch to H to save money, and get back down to 2-3 $10 bags a day to stay stable.

Until it doesn’t work anymore, and you start knowingly avoiding H in favor of that fetty, at which point your tolerance goes so fucking high you literally can’t get high on any amount of heroin anymore, and you’re banging $100 worth of fent a day just to stave off the withdrawals that make heroin withdrawal look like a cakewalk.

At which point your only two choices are “get into a detox program that will accept you and go through a literal month+ of hell,” or “start robbing.”

Guess what people tend to choose.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja2dtps wrote

I am being downvoted because the "war on drugs" has been largely successful in the demonization and propaganda surrounding illicit drugs


TurkeySandwich007 t1_ja1ds8x wrote

Well I’m almost 24 and I drink like 2 capri suns a day so I’d say the quote is valid


HPmoni t1_ja8x2kp wrote

Heroin was legal until recently. Heroin sells itself, mister.


todd10k t1_ja11tix wrote

OK but it is delicious


tewnewt t1_ja141ry wrote

The first taste is always free.


BrokenEye3 t1_ja1e8c5 wrote

♪♫ He gives the kids free samples / Because he knows full well / That today's young innocent faces / Are tomorrow's clientele ♫♪


gc3 t1_ja27vo0 wrote

And the company that made it was founded during the Third Reich in Germany


Spare-Competition-91 t1_ja2icty wrote

It's only delicious until you're 18, start to be an adult, eat and drink things that are way more delicious and don't kill you, or do, and move on with your life and stop being a child with child's taste buds.


todd10k t1_ja2kky4 wrote

who took the jam out of your doughnut?


Spare-Competition-91 t1_ja39cfa wrote

I'm just fine. Unfortunately, most of the people around me are children in adult bodies.


todd10k t1_ja3ei1b wrote

I don't think you are fine. None of this is a flex, btw, but I'm 37, i have kids, a house, a mortgage, a loving girlfriend and 2 cars. I have a full time, 9-5 job and i workout, have good friends and a good life in general. I'm a little overweight but i'm strong, not afraid of a fight and in general what you would consider a "mans man".

I still think capri sun is delicious. Just because it is made for and marketed to children does not mean ones appreciation of sweet things diminishes. It is, objectively, tasty.

I understand that might seem purile or even juvenile, and i get that everyone around you acting like kids might get you down. I understand, it's hard when you're taking care of business, sticking your hands into the muck when those around you lounge about and complain about mucky floors while you're covered in mud, but don't let it get to you. Enjoy the simple things, like a delicious cool icy orange flavoured beverage from a pouch, and don't forget to, once in a while, take a moment for yourself.


Cbanchiere t1_ja3hde3 wrote

No. You turned 18 and thought that meant no more fun. No more enjoyment. Give it all up and be an adult

Fuck that. I still browse the toy aisle and enjoy stuff I did as a kid. Life is too short.

Who wants to drink some Mondo with me!?


Spare-Competition-91 t1_ja3mc9w wrote

lol, okay dude. Everyone thinking I'm no longer fun because I don't kill myself with terrible tasting mass produced crap is missing brain cells. Probably from the capri suns they drink.

I've lived more in 10 years than the people downvoting me will during their entire lives. GTFO.


Sdog1981 t1_ja1y1fw wrote

First of all it has been around since the 1960s and It’s sugar water, it did not take a marketing genius to figure out how to sell that to kids.


99-bottlesofbeer OP t1_ja1yg3y wrote

Oh, sure, Shasta marketed the thing to kids as well – they said as much in newspapers – but Philip Morris specifically wanted the brand because they were just better at this kind of thing. The aesthetic changes they made convinced kids that the drink was cool and convinced adults that the drink was healthy – and it contributed, like most of the things Philip Morris does, to a public health crisis in the U.S. due to its sheer popularity post-sale.

Today, Capri Sun is one of the top 20 most favoured brands by Gen Zers who grew up with the stuff. Top twenty, out of thousands surveyed.


Brilliant_Jewel1924 t1_ja2bh82 wrote

Gen Xers drank it, too, but we’re used to being left out.


IranticBehaviour t1_ja2feid wrote

Lol, true. I'm an older gen xer, Capri Sun was absolutely one of my favourite drinks in the early-mid 70s. I'm not sure any other brand was available in those pouches. Never sad to find one of those in your lunch.


Brilliant_Jewel1924 t1_ja2fn4u wrote

They were so expensive the so we only got them as a treat. Now, they’re on sale all the time so we keep them around for my daughter when she wants something besides water, which is rare.


HPmoni t1_ja8x9jl wrote

Those ads were everywhere. They sold the lifestyle.


Putrid_Rock5526 t1_jaaghid wrote

The fact that it’s been around so long and is so simple is precisely why it does take a marketing genius. Imagine how many competitors they had to beat to capture the market share.


Sdog1981 t1_jaapj62 wrote

They did beat out squeeze it’s and Hi-C


AnthillOmbudsman t1_ja10jah wrote

There was a time in the 1990s and 2000s when the major cigarette companies owned Kraft and Nabisco. We found the whole thing so disgusting that we avoided those brands for over 10 years.


99-bottlesofbeer OP t1_ja10ot9 wrote

yeah, it was really shocking! Kraft kept the marketing tactics after it became independent in '07...


Traditional_Entry183 t1_ja2z8uj wrote

As a kid in the 80s, the worst part of Capri Sun was how small they were. Between that and how "thin" the liquid is, they were miserably unsatisfying to me even as a child.


FatJimmyWillis t1_ja2f5af wrote

It's too bad they never unveiled Joe Capri, a pouch-drink sipping camel, as their mascot.


Parafault t1_ja2pumw wrote

I not only used to drink them, but I thought that they were healthy.


nitzua t1_ja2ra1r wrote

these days they've transitioned to anti vape ads


HonkinChonk t1_ja2z8a9 wrote

The commercials for Capri sun in the 90s ad 00s were awesome! Turning into cool "water dudes" and doing extreme sports, sign me up!


the_agox t1_ja3c2l1 wrote

Jumping straight to the Wikipedia citation:

> Jacobs 2019a, citing Nguyen et al. 2019: "Internal correspondence showed how tobacco executives, barred from targeting children for cigarette sales, focused their marketing prowess on young people to sell sugary beverages in ways that had not been done before."

> Dyson 2019, citing Nguyen et al. 2019: "Big tobacco companies once used tasty flavors, bright colors and other techniques to lure young smokers. Then they began buying soft drink companies in 1963 and started using the same strategies to sell sodas and other sugary drinks, according to a study published Thursday in the British Medical Journal. ... 'Executives [at R. J. Reynolds and Philip Morris] had developed colors and flavors as additives for cigarettes and used them to build major children's beverage product lines, including Hawaiian Punch, Kool-Aid, Tang and Capri Sun', said [co-author] Schmidt[.] ...'The Wacky Wild Kool-Aid style campaign had tremendous reach and impact', said ... Nguyen[.] '[T]he Kool-Aid kid program was modeled after a tobacco marketing strategy designed to build allegiance with smokers.' ... The tobacco company also purchased Capri Sun and Tang, and used similar child-centric marketing strategies to push sales"


atlantis_airlines t1_ja3lwjb wrote

Growing up I always was envious of the kids who's parents packed them lunches containing capri sun, nutella and all the other processed sugar crap kids crave. Looking back it, it is shocking what people pass as food and I am so thankful my parents raised me on a better diet. The generation of children who had candy marketed to them as "part of a well balanced breakfast" has an obesity problem. You can tell just from the phrase alone that they were working out how to avoid culpability.


pulsarcolosal t1_ja2dqvx wrote

Elise Ecklund would like to see this.


Macemore t1_ja44y07 wrote

Ahhh fuck I literally have some in my cupboard because I never got to have any as kids


Linkthekid22 t1_ja4lrjz wrote

It worked, now my mouth is watering over the thought if a caprisun lemonade


Elegant_Development3 t1_ja2iz2x wrote

As a kid who drank Caprisun I want the orange ones back in the US.


CulturedClub t1_ja31enz wrote

As a Brit who drank Caprisun I want the non sugar free ones back in the UK. (our government have forced drinks aimed at kids to be sugar free, and 'adult' sugary drinks have a sugar tax). I'm intolerant to artificial sweeteners.


GoGaslightYerself t1_ja2zucj wrote

I didn't read all 4000 words of the Wikipedia article, but I'm not sure I understand. Is the gist that "Tobacco is bad and was sold through advertising; therefore, anything sold through advertising is also bad"?


FinanceRabbit t1_ja3ixp4 wrote

"I didn't read into the subject at all, here's my dogshit take"


GoGaslightYerself t1_ja3kyod wrote

...or is it, "Words are used for debate, and I can't debate worth a fuck, so I'm gonna try to ban words, demonize free expression (like advertising) and call people names"?


FinanceRabbit t1_ja3l9n1 wrote

What the fuck are you talking about? 0 relevance at all. I didnt call you any names or ever try to ban words. Are you high?