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TFOLLT t1_ja550ey wrote

Downplaying me is a really weak argument but w/e


wdomon t1_ja563ky wrote

Sorry if you misunderstood this as an argument. I intentionally do not attempt to argue with people that say things like Exodus is “extremely accurate” or believe any of the things you appear to.


TFOLLT t1_ja6vhxh wrote

Ofcourse you aren't. Not even willing to research the facts, why am I even surprised. Why even ask me questions then tho. I do my best to try to explain to you why, only to find I'm talking to an ignorant cynic. You're the embodiment of the closed, tunnel-visioned attitude of modern science. Thx.


wdomon t1_ja7oy2l wrote

I genuinely hope that one day you stop believing in children‘s stories as fact, truly. Religion may have some benefits for some individuals but on the whole is a cancerous scourge on humanity and the darkest stain in our history. While I’m glad to see our species evolving past it, I never considered the pain of evolutionary transitionary periods where (now less then) half of the species still hasn’t caught up. I feel for you and anyone else like you.


TFOLLT t1_ja7vdnt wrote

''Children's stories.''

A child's observation indeed.