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underthingy t1_ja0tthk wrote

That doesn't mean that the destabilisation of the surrounding region caused by European colonialism hasn't affected it.


eggsssssssss t1_ja0vl6r wrote

You don’t really know much about “the surrounding region”, do you? Painting Saudi Arabia as a victim of European colonialism sorta reeks of ignorance. “They’re the brown people, they must be the underclass!”

When I think of colonialism in southwest asia, I’m thinking primarily about Arab, Turkish, and Persian hegemonies. European colonization… I guess if you want to talk about hellenism & rome?

If you want to talk about France, Britain, and Italy in North Africa, that’s a different matter.


underthingy t1_ja0y0gk wrote

Way to strawman.

I never said anything about race or class, or even called them victims.

Is your argument that European colonialism in the middle east had zero impact on Saudi Arabia?


2KoolAwYe t1_ja0z9tm wrote

Our argument is that colonialism didn't directly destroy the entirety of Saudian Arabian history

You know, rebutting the original point being made, instead of the one you switched to after realising the mistake but not admitting it


underthingy t1_ja13xvx wrote

Again strawmanning.

>Our argument is that colonialism didn't directly destroy the entirety of Saudian Arabian history

I never said it did.

>You know, rebutting the original point being made, instead of the one you switched to after realising the mistake but not admitting it

I have checked back through the thread and noone made that claim.


underthingy t1_ja183d4 wrote

You should learn how to read. That comment doesn't say what you are claiming it does.


2KoolAwYe t1_ja2rxmh wrote

What does it mean then?


underthingy t1_ja4oayj wrote

That it contributed in some way to the current situation they are in.

Not that it was the sole cause of the destruction of the entire Saudi history as you are claiming.


2KoolAwYe t1_ja72vm1 wrote

Yeah no, that's not what they meant and it's pretty obvious.