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Team_Rckt_Grunt t1_j86kf5q wrote

That's lucky. I know someone else who hasn't had joycon issues, but I also have an OG switch and I haven't replaced the joycons yet... but only because I'm too broke to buy a second pair and the logistics of shipping them back are confusing to me. The drift is so bad it is literally unplayable on handheld mode, I currently play all games on the tv with a separate controller. If I use the joycons it makes it impossible to even select things from a menu because it cycles through the options at high speed when I'm not even touching the stick.

I love the switch in general but the joycon durability is... Not ideal. Hit or miss, shall we say.


Jdoggcrash t1_j86shoq wrote

I’ve had three pairs of joy cons including the ones that came with the switch I bought. All three have drift. None of them as bad as yours but at this point I just bought a regular controller and play on the TV like you. Not worth it to keep spending money on the hope that this won’t happen again with the next pair.