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FlyGuy_2000 t1_j6lw2tq wrote

I suggest you accumulate all his dirty secrets - nasty photos of him picking his butt, forbidden tiktok, porn sites visited, etc and as his high school PROM gift, post it for his classmates to see. Will teach that little shit not to be so smug. And leaves enough time between prom and graduation for his friends to make fun of him, but not enough to carry over to college.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lw5tp wrote

πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ He’s antisocial so he don’t have many friends anyway.


FlyGuy_2000 t1_j6lwbyn wrote

Does he interact with people on Fortnite? Doxx him then. Show his group or team what an ass he is, embarass him, take away what he loves to play from him.


AislinnScr t1_j6mdixb wrote

Apparently, he's stated that he's terrible at the game and will probably give it up relatively soon anyway...