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Falconflyer75 t1_j4ekfmh wrote


I’m gonna assume at least 5 of your male coworkers were just gaming during the meeting and missed it,

I figure 2 women seeing…. isn’t too bad

And then one guy was nice enough to shut your camera off

So that just leaves 2


Phatsam1987 t1_j4f5bla wrote

Those 2 have snipping tool pinned to their taskbar


Falconflyer75 t1_j4f7ttp wrote

I don’t think they’d reach it in time, and comeon the op is mortified enough


Bike_Chain_96 t1_j4fopvo wrote

Who needs it pinned when you regularly use the shortcut?


BrettsSubconscious OP t1_j4g6r7s wrote

Each of them is able to take a screenshot within a second. Maybe I’m naive but I trust them to be decent enough not to do that. Also cause what the heck would anyone with such an image, it’s definitely not jerking off material xD