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kletskopke t1_j36ii8t wrote

I remember you and your initial post about this, OP. My goodness, what a situation you are in. My heart breaks for you.

If anything, the responsibility lies with whatever or whomever made Skyler feel that it was not ok to be gay or bi. He must have been so confused and unaware of who he really was. Insecure probably, to be acting the way he did with his friends. You know how they say ‘you always hurt the ones you love’? You got deeply hurt in his process, but it was not your fault he killed himself. He obviously had a lot of inner turmoil that only got worse because of his own actions. The best thing you can do it try and forgive him. And try to forgive yourself. You didn’t reach out because of the barrier that Skyler put there in the first place.

I wish you inner peace and healing.