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Capelily t1_j4mkda7 wrote

Don't worry, this was an innocent mistake. If I took all the times I realized I was being a not-so-stellar parent seriously, I'd be in a padded cell.

I'm in the same boat as you--selling my house--and I left some drying weed hanging in one of the closets for several of the showings.

Thought I checked everywhere, lol.


Squigglepig52 t1_j4qjqzh wrote

Back in college, meter guy shows up for a reading, so I take him to where the meter is in the basement, where it was obscured by a curtain of drying plants.

We give each other a look, and then the phone rings. It's my roommate "Buddy! Meter guy is coming, you have to move the weed before he gets there!"

"Yeah, no - he's already down there, dude."