Submitted by reddit_fan167567 t3_10patw4 in tifu

i won’t say any names incase anyone i know finds this so i’ll be calling my best friend by A and my other friend by G. for context i’m in year 10 (14-15) just to give a bit of an age range.

so basically my best friend, A, has like severe anxiety and it’s like really bad. she has to have weeks off school because she just can’t come in and stuff and i get that she’s mentally ill i really do but before i met G she was my only friend so when she used to go off i used to be all by myself. and while i admit i always went into a mood with her for a bit it was nothing serious i swear like maybe i was a bit passive aggressive sometimes but that’s it!!

so then we met G and he’s honestly so sweet. he’s into lads so i’m not into him obviously but it’s so so nice to have a friend when A has her time off.but she’s just straight up rude to him sometimes and i’m like 80% sure it’s because she’s jealous that i’m spending time with another friend but it’s whatever most of the time she’s nice to him.

my problem is that on wednesday i had half (first 2 periods+break) off to go HOSPITAL. that’s a pretty valid reason in my opinion but she doesn’t seem to think so. so she went really really bitchy with me and started to say all these sly comments and now she’s gone off for a week and earlier i texted her “u ok?” and she just left me on opened.

i feel really bad but i just feel like i need to put me first sometimes i’ve tried to be patient but i should be out having fun right??? like whenever i go over to hers she just wants to sit in and it’s not a crime to want to go out at 14 and have a teenage life right

was this a fuck up??? because my mum keeps on saying to just keep on giving her time but 🤷🏻‍♀️

TL;DR: my friend has really bad anxiety but idk if i can put up with it anymore

(sorry if this is bad don’t rlly use reddit and this is a spam acc)



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zoronoa24 t1_j6jdfd2 wrote

Its tough, do what you want but be kind about it. And if they can't respect your decisions then just distance yourself for a bit.


reddit_fan167567 OP t1_j6jdwtl wrote

okay thank you. it’s just difficult because her mum treats her like she can’t do anything wrong ykwim?? but i do feel bad for her though but thanks for the reply!!


AllanfromWales1 t1_j6ju1mt wrote

You want to have fun, so you go to hospital? Interesting..


reddit_fan167567 OP t1_j6ju9vu wrote

no i don’t think u understood me ahaha i had to go hospital that’s why i was off and she got rlly mad that i “abondended” her. i understand the miss understanding tho i’ll be more clear next time!


AllanfromWales1 t1_j6juqta wrote

So what's that got to do with you wanting to go out and have fun? Seems like two separate issues.


reddit_fan167567 OP t1_j6jv4g3 wrote

it is, i probs should of put it more separately really my bad but i meant that i wish i could have more fun then just staying inside whenever we hang out but i get her anxiety i really try to and it does make me feel guilty but i just wish really