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Maxhorizon t1_j6eelmc wrote

Sounds like an ungreatful child to me. Likely your Oldman bought all your shit. He was likely using it to unwind from a long day on a construction site. Cut him some slack, if you left it for so long, it had no more value to you than a new one.

Chill out, leave the past behind and move on...


JustNoticedThat t1_j6eevur wrote

I still lived with him. We had more than one controller. He doesn’t work at construction sites, he works on call; he’s a joiner and plumber, not a construction worker. I just want it repaired so I can put it on display. He apologised after I told him it was rare, so no hard feelings.

Also, I bought “all my shit” myself, so how am I ungrateful? I have fucking nothing to be ungrateful for.


chaos3240 t1_j6eg36k wrote

No big deal man, nobody's gonna give a fuck about your cool custom controller in 20 years.


JustNoticedThat t1_j6eg6nv wrote

Well, I bought it for £50, and it goes for £1000. Free money. It ain’t even custom, it’s official.


chaos3240 t1_j6eh69t wrote

Still man it's just a piece of plastic l, I don't have any that are that rare but I have a few nice ones, and I've used them like they were made for. It's not a 67 GTO odds are the value isn't going to hold anyway.


whatodotoyou t1_j6eesbn wrote

Yes , apologies to your dad. Things can be fixed if you apologies 🙏🏽


JustNoticedThat t1_j6ei8vb wrote

We both already apologised. I’m just asking if it’s repairable because I want to either put it on display or sell it.


whatodotoyou t1_j6enzyt wrote

That’s good. You choose the wrong sub for this post. Makes you look ungrateful.


Splyce123 t1_j6eecgb wrote

If you have a controller that only ever had 1000 made, you don't take it out of the box.


JustNoticedThat t1_j6eeiqz wrote

I opened the box up so I could put it on display. I used only about three times. My dad was the one who used it mostly, and I didn’t know he used it.


Splyce123 t1_j6eeq3z wrote

Ask your dad for the money it would cost to buy one on eBay. Only seems fair as he ruined it.


JustNoticedThat t1_j6ef1sc wrote

I don’t think he’d be willing to give me £1000 over something he done four years ago.


Jaydalynn t1_j6eizdw wrote

So basically your dad didn't know it was rare and you didn't know he was using it so much. Glad there are no hard feelings. Hope you can get it repaired.


JustNoticedThat t1_j6ejhvr wrote

Thanks. I’m glad someone here isn’t against me for absolutely no reason. Watch this reply get downvoted to hell.


Jaydalynn t1_j6emtyb wrote

No problem. People are too sensitive these days.


JustNoticedThat t1_j6ehksv wrote

Lmao, why am I being mass downvoted? I’m literally just asking if the damage is repairable. I’m not ungrateful, I’m not salty, I’m just asking a question.


grammarkink t1_j6ejnqm wrote

Because Reddit.


JustNoticedThat t1_j6ekcor wrote

People downvote me for being ungrateful. When I say I’m not ungrateful and give them reasons for why I’m not, they still downvote me because no matter what, they’re right and I’m wrong.

I see you there. Go, downvote this, knock yourself out.
