Submitted by Lolisaurus18 t3_10n0f46 in tifu

I'm embarrassed about not having a driving license since I'm already 21. I've been dating S since November. I've been driving since I'm like 19, even though I'm not supposed to so I'm a good driver. S has huge trust issues, he always thinks I'm gonna cheat or stuff like that. I always get mad when he accuses me of something saying he's unfair since I never lied to him. That's true, but I lied about this one thing. And I drove his car. I honestly thought it was no big deal since he's not the most responsible person on earth, but yesterday he found out and apparently it was. Of course he got mad because of the fact that he could get in trouble because of that, but the worst thing he said, the one which actually hurt was "I knew I was right about not trusting you. If you lied about this you could lie about anything." So I fucked up pretty bad since now he has the right to think I always lie and the trust is completely gone.

TL;DR: said to my bf with huge trust issues I had a driving license, i didn't. Now he won't trust me about the important stuff



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Thick_Information_33 t1_j667v0e wrote

Well, lying about that and driving his car which is illegal and in some countries it can get him in trouble as well, is a big fuck up. OP, stop breaking the law out of embarrassment. If you know how to drive then sign up and get the damn license.

Now go and start the long journey of regaining his trust.


fuckyoufuckinsharks t1_j6abapp wrote

Idk boy sounds like he never trusted her in the first place. Accusing someone of cheating constantly is a relationship ruiner. I think they both could do better.


JazzTree t1_j66d5x8 wrote

It's definitely not a wise decision to drive without a license. That said, he didn't trust you even before you did that and thought you would cheat on him. Do you really want to invest your love and care into someone who is untrusting as a default?


im_a_real_big_fish t1_j67urjn wrote

You're untrustworthy as all fuck, he made a good decision.


TheyCallMeGilly t1_j689l73 wrote

If you really love this guy, you should probably just leave. He really needs to learn some emotional intelligence, if he’s letting his prior relationships dictate his entire life and romantic life moving forward he should go to therapy.


KaRue3 t1_j66upzj wrote

He sounds abusive and you careless.


strawberrybannas t1_j670nsj wrote

I'm surprised no one has said anything but wow...that man is abusive af. Sure you fucked up and it was real shity to drive his car with no license. But all that aside, you let him talk to you like that? He sounds like he gaslights you so hard. I hope you can reflect and really take a good look at your relationship. Apologize for the license thing and then run.


Squigglepig52 t1_j68nu1i wrote

"Sure, you lied, and ran the risk of getting charged for driving without a license, or having an accident that his insurance wouldn't cover, but him being upset about that was just so damn abusive!"

Dude was justified about being angry.


strawberrybannas t1_j6970pk wrote

Never said he wasn't justified, dude. Just a terrible take away everyone got from the story. She definitely royally fucked up and hes got every right to be beyond pissed so shut up. But from what I've heard from this story he's got an 80% chance of being abusive. From personal experience these are the things I've heard abusive men say.


Eig8t86 t1_j667grj wrote

Ok sit him down and sincerely apologize to him for the drivers license. Tell him that you want to make it up to him and ask him to help you get your driver's license. And go with him to get your driver's license. Then tell him deliberate lies as punishment for being a weak man. Like I loaded the dishwasher when all the dishes are in the sink.


Lolisaurus18 OP t1_j66gitf wrote

Why ahahaha


Sideways-Pumpkin t1_j689qgu wrote

Fun fact op, one day you will get pulled over and you can go to jail.


Extension_Ad4537 t1_j66r5fz wrote

Because it’s the mature and responsible thing to do


Atampy26 t1_j688pz9 wrote

>tell him deliberate lies as punishment for being a weak man

is the mature and responsible thing to do?


Lolisaurus18 OP t1_j68gvzn wrote

Lying for punishing him for being a "weak man"? You ok bro?


Eig8t86 t1_j68pmm1 wrote

Keep doing you, you seem like someone that won't make any differences. Just seeing a red flag for abuse.