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HeywoodPeace t1_j5tckfl wrote

Good guess and I'm this callous toward all people. The human race is carrying a lot of dead weight. Thinning the herd is beneficial to all, and starting with the weak, sick and damaged is how the natural order of things works. Leave it to humanity to ignore the laws of nature and keep overpopulating the planet with no end in sight.

If this were an antinatalism thread she'd be the one getting the shit for reproducing. Nature would not allow this child to live it it were any other species. The mother would eat her young first.

Love the username. btw.


Embiggenment t1_j5tcviw wrote

Okay so not only are you not an anarchist, you're just a straight-up fash. I'm autistic so for all I know, you're also providing rage bait and therefore not being serious. But on the off-chance you aren't, fucking yikes.