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Ramii83 t1_j6boy9v wrote

It wasn’t your video unless the original porn was a snuff film or child porn. She created music for a different porn movie that you also credited, and I can’t see someone saying “you released music for one porno and that was fine, but then we found a second one and that is just one porno too many.”


kage11217 t1_j6bp11l wrote

The Sounds Of Porn: Just the Dude Grunts


punx_a_hippie t1_j6bz7oj wrote

What's your channel I need to find the porn music


TJinAZ t1_j6c0kym wrote

Well, if he’s not out there doing it, the porn diddies will never be released and the artists will not be properly recognized for their efforts to enhance our viewership experience.

If not him, then who? If not now, then when?


Specific_Tap7296 t1_j6c3aeu wrote

I've seen every possible porn related TIFU... Wait, what? There's music at the end?


Yisuscrais69 t1_j6c3b6x wrote

It al starts with someone asking you “what are you willing to do” when you’re facing homelessness and/or starvation right on their ugly mugs for one to just calmly start ignoring the weirdness out of whatever gig comes their way.


WeNeedToTalkAboutMe t1_j6caizl wrote

I once got threatened with a lawsuit because a fanfic I wrote had someone's name in it.


Well, 'seriously' as in "I received an email from what I found out through my research was a legitimate law firm", but I doubt I would have gotten sued. Apparently, this person had an uncommon name (which I had coincidentally just thought up) and the site that hosted my stories was popular enough that my fic showed up on the first page of the Google search, so they were concerned about someone seeing that (the character was a criminal in my story).

So I had to hurriedly write to the host and notifiy them, along with sending an edited version of the story with a different name. That one didn't get noticed, apparently.


vrenak t1_j6ccw46 wrote

Sounds like an agent to avoid frankly.


1000Hells1GiftShop t1_j6ctc83 wrote

>she has a whole album about having sex with aliens.

I'm going to need the name of that album.


Bike_Chain_96 t1_j6cyn2x wrote

She should stick to the porn music. My coworker made fucking bank off of that. He does security now so that he's not bored


AwayJacket4714 t1_j6d3obs wrote

I mean, their concern is not completely unwarranted.

Yes we know, a smart person googling their name and getting to your fic would easily figure out they are not related, but tbh the average person is not that smart. Plus, employers who look up peoples' names online won't go deep enough to clear any misunderstanding. They will just look at the first result and see it's something they consider inappropriate, and whoosh, there goes your interview. Especially if their name is so uncommon they have trouble to convice people it's just a coincidence.


ringobob t1_j6d8meh wrote

It's possible the agent only found the one, and might have also found the other if this mistaken one hadn't existed, or perhaps they would have never found the other one.

I don't think it's OP's fault this person lost the book deal - porn is hardly a disqualifying topic in media, unless it was religious in nature or, like, children's books. The agent should be doing their due diligence, both to verify that this was an incorrect attribution, and that the other attribution exists and is correct. That they didn't do any of that tells me this was not something super important to the agent.


RiddledWithEnigma t1_j6dc32o wrote

<people who watch porn for le sexy time>

<people who watch porn for the plot>

OP: I watch porn to preserve the history of music.


Lanian55 t1_j6dzavp wrote

Maybe it's not the subject matter; maybe it was just a bad song she didnt want to be associated with?


bigdave44 t1_j6e1w6k wrote

So, uh, was this chick named Josie?


Ramii83 t1_j6e2mpz wrote

True. Possibly the incorrect movie was a more famous one and those results actually showed up, whereas the other, more obscure movie, may have not even shown up on the first few search pages and might have been missed.


OneMoreGirl_MX t1_j6eajur wrote

This reminds me about a song in a porn animated video, is pretty great and i haven't found the singer u.u


Impressive_Teach9188 t1_j6eo00x wrote

During the 70s 80s even some early 90s porn had music during the sex scenes. That's where the joke about something sounding like cheesy porn music came from

Another thing is most porn from before those times was nothing but music, no sex sounds, no voices, nothing but the music. Also the music back then sounded alot like elevator music and the crappy music you hear when you call a company and are placed on hold


aussie_nub t1_j6f788l wrote

It's none of these things. Why would a publisher drop a book deal because of a single credit from a video on Youtube that could easily be verified as incorrect? There's definitely something else going on.


Andrewoholic t1_j6faw6i wrote

You may want to be asking in the legal section on here, about defending yourself, in case she sues you, for loss of earnings.


Fox_Hawk t1_j6gapnj wrote

I had a gig scanning photos and typing up records of an entire school over a summer break. This was back in the 90s and the school records were going digital.

The whole time the boss played Christian rock recorded live at Godstock (some sort of religious festival anyway). At ear-bleeding volume.

Man I WISH I could have had a gig researching vintage porn music.


ironroad18 t1_j6gj27k wrote

in Morgan Freeman voice Background music

"In 1992, two rapping kids convinced everyone to wear their pants backwards. A young Maccauly Culkin, was lost again, this time in New York. American's jazzy new president was an avid saxophone player. The home video rental market had its peak year. And Ken Burns railed two horny broads, over the side of a busted Civil War cannon..."


shipwreck_pete t1_j6i8vp3 wrote

You cannot trust IMDb credits. Ask any studio legal department.