SnazzBat t1_j5q6bbh wrote
I stg I’ve seen so many tifu’s today that are beyond made the fuck up. It’s so weird
shadesofwolves t1_j5pq23q wrote
So many questions.
OhNoTheDawnPatrol t1_j5pqoji wrote
I'm most confused about why somebody is expected to help pay for their sister's wedding.
OK_LK t1_j5pr70q wrote
Was OP naked from the waist down or fully naked when his parents came in and discussed wedding payments?
shadesofwolves t1_j5psi3a wrote
I honestly think naked from the waist down and a full length toy lightsaber slowly emerged, glowing, mid conversation.
If only because the truth is likely far less funny.
OK_LK t1_j5psn13 wrote
Definitely with sound effects
shadesofwolves t1_j5pte35 wrote
PM_ME_FUNFAX t1_j5pvttd wrote
Your narrative is just as truthful as OP's so it can be whatever you want
grumpapuss15 t1_j5pulsy wrote
Please don't assk, and please don't tell!
cikanman t1_j5ppufw wrote
Ok asking a stupid question. Lightsaber? Is this a new sex toy I'm unaware of or are we talking like a light up movie prop toy?
ActuallyPatton t1_j5prebm wrote
Don’t pay for your sisters wedding, fuck that.
Mr007McDiddles t1_j5pu4i9 wrote
Protip: Lock your door when inserting weird things in your asshole.
saffronpolygon t1_j5pqqys wrote
It's a sign. Your sister will have a Star Wars themed wedding.
ProExecution t1_j5prapv wrote
If you're living with your parents, are you really in a situation to help pay for a wedding?
Because when I lived with my parents, I could not fathom shelling out extra money, or else I wouldn't live with my parents.
bobstro t1_j5ps75o wrote
So did you win the argument?
Lonzo58 t1_j5pv22l wrote
Paying for her wedding I am not
There is no try only poo..
Bubbagumpredditor t1_j5pvfdk wrote
Jar jar, is that you?
2L84U2 t1_j5pr6dr wrote
You did fuck up
Lysia1008 t1_j5q0zii wrote
It seems like all stories with INSERTION start out saying "Today I was feeling a little Adventurous... And then Bam something gets STUCK!!!
Obetend t1_j5pyo0h wrote
Holy roller coaster title, Batman!
nerdwithadhd t1_j5q072r wrote
May the fart be with you.
Ashamed-Relation2547 t1_j5q1i4v wrote
Butt Boy™️
snakecatcher302 t1_j5q8i78 wrote
Talk about using the force…
OkVolume1 t1_j5qb6bk wrote
You're a Stormpooper.
geaux750 t1_j5q1uka wrote
I just needs to check inside ya asshole
superthrust123 t1_j5q8a4b wrote
The real questions:
Was it lit, and were the sound effects turned on?
I'm imagining a 3 foot glowing green plastic tube emerging from your Sarlacc Pit while making whhhhshhhh woooshhh clash noises.
SethMalcolm1 t1_j5qbgp2 wrote
Why would you stick a laser sword up your butt
bhillen83 t1_j5qgbr5 wrote
Hey at least you don’t have to help pay for the wedding now.
xNeyNounex t1_j5qjrq0 wrote
So were you naked in front of your parents? or did this not actually happen?
Jieru-Lite t1_j5qku3c wrote
It’s usually the Jedi not the lightsaber that turns to the dark side
ksims33 t1_j5qlvz1 wrote
I am sad the post is deleted, I want to see the absurdity.
Skipp_To_My_Lou t1_j5pspga wrote
TIFU: I thought r/TIFU was supposed to be things that actually happened, not a creative writing prompt for 13-year-olds