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justforfun75 t1_j6fjo3j wrote

This is NYC Subway 101: never enter an empty car when the others are full. There's a reason it's empty!


somebrookdlyn t1_j6g9ssz wrote

I get anxiety when I'm on a suspiciously empty subway cars.


lostboy411 t1_j6gl3fi wrote

I always feel better in NYC if there’s a moderate amount of people around. I feel like the bad stuff happens when it’s you and just like one or two other people.


Gr00mpa t1_j6gyzzx wrote

Absolutely NYC subway 101. Made for a good Reddit post, though. Thanks for sharing. Brought back good dancing memories.


BouncingDancer t1_j6k4p51 wrote

You can shorten it to Subway 101 - something similar happened to me in Prague.