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I_Thot_So t1_j1q7yjc wrote

No one is triggered. Triggered is a psychological response to trauma. Not thinking someone is wrong.

People thinking you’re an idiot is not them being emotional.


reevelainen t1_j1qe26q wrote

Take a look at another dialogue I had with this individual. One was so filled with hate because something about my poorly phrased comments just made one go nuts. He went through my history like a stalker and would find a detail to paint me as dark as people can with the most personal weapon one can find. If that's not an action of hate, I don't know what is. As if I wasn't even human anymore, lmao.

Having such determinism to cancel me is indeed a sign of triggering something sore.


Gelly13r t1_j1qobte wrote

Going through a public profile isn't stalking. Its literally public. I don't know what commenter did that to you, but it's literally public and a good indicator of a posters views and/or bs.


reevelainen t1_j1qpn9a wrote

Don't know what one did but decided to comment anyway. Yes, my profile is public and I stand behind everything there is. This is the only account I have and the one doing the digging had like 4 comments in total which implies one's doing a new one everytime. One weaponized the detail in my profile and prevents anyone doing the same to one because one makes a new one everytime. That's why it was ridiculous. The details are there, everyone can see they've got nothing to do with these dialogues. One chose a bad indicator.