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askingrytquestions OP t1_j1g1cai wrote

>Mine lasted at least 2 hrs

really, was it candidacy or defence?

> , but next time I would recommend not altering your state of mind with medications/substances, the risk is too great.

yeah, some lessons learned for the long term but for the short term, I really need to get rid of this embarrassment somehow. I am constantly thinking about what others r thinking of me.


NeroVol t1_j1g2duy wrote


And I totally feel you, for the first 4 years of my thesis I had issues with worrying about others thoughts of me until an upper year student heard me talk and said to me "what makes you convinced they are spending time thinking about that aspect about you, rather than something else."

I would be willing to bet that if the professors thought anything, it was for a fleeting moment. They are in your field because they love the topic, and they are professors because they love to teach, and they are YOUR committee specifically because they like you and want to watch you grow and see who you will become. I doubt any of them are passing negative judgment about you, and if they are, they will give you constructive feedback because they want to help you and watch you grow and thrive!

Edit1: I forgot to mention, WAY TO GO ACHIEVING CANDIDACY! This is an accomplishment that only a small percentage of the world attempt and achieve. You are well on your way to adding to humanities knowledge!


askingrytquestions OP t1_j1g49py wrote

> And I totally feel you, for the first 4 years of my thesis I had issues with worrying about others thoughts of me until an upper year student heard me talk and said to me "what makes you convinced they are spending time thinking about that aspect about you, rather than something else.

Yes, and I have started to realize that this is a recurring pattern in my behavior and in the way I carry myself in my day-to-day life.


Thank you!!!!