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unsung_hero88 t1_j1eibsy wrote

Damn OP you’re a hoe. Jesus Christ!


InfiniteCalendar1 t1_j1fsrzj wrote

Do you have any criticism for the 31 year old man who took advantage of a high schooler?


unsung_hero88 t1_j1ftg22 wrote

Lol first she’s18, making her a legal adult and she was more than willing to fuck him. I have a feeling that the pursuit was mutual. Whether she was 18, 25, or 31. She still would’ve tried to fuck him. She didn’t stop to consider that this guy is her aunt’s ex and out of all of the guys she could easily fuck he should be be one of them. She wanted dick and went after the dude that just went through a break up. Not saying he’s innocent but he didn’t nothing illegal, she is a consenting adult and that’s all that’s required


InfiniteCalendar1 t1_j1ftizs wrote

You clearly don’t understand how power dynamics work.


unsung_hero88 t1_j1ftqbe wrote

I don’t see anywhere in this post where OP felt pressured. And given that he was no longer dating OP aunt I’m confused about this power dynamic you speak of. The dude was supposedly out of their lives and somehow OP just happened to bang him?