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Critical-Echo-923 t1_j1d7imo wrote

well if you are in school ur parent may be obligated by law to provide you a monthly alimony depending on ur country laws

talk to a lawer

+ ur things are ur things they have no right to take ur belongings , talk to police

ur nta, neither is he, separated is separated!

only assholes here are ur parents and extended family


Burgo86 t1_j1dhivg wrote

I mean, I would definitely call a 31 year old man sleeping with an 18 year old still in highschool who was the niece of his ex an asshole.


iagolavor t1_j1da39u wrote

>ur nta, neither is he, separated is separated!

Imagine fucking the ex-boyfriend of the person that raised you right after they split lol
Yep, definely not an asshole!


Critical-Echo-923 t1_j1deng9 wrote

split is split

nobody has the right to dictate what other people do after they ended a relationship

it seems like the aunt realizes this


Burgo86 t1_j1di18i wrote

Generally though, you know that if you fuck someone that was with a friend or family member (Especially if it is very quickly after a breakup) that it is going to involve some drama (likely trying to still seperate feelings), and you generally have considerations for family/friends feelings. Not considering their feelings at all, does make you a little bit of an asshole. In the very least, not a very good friend or trustworthy/caring family member.

It's acceptable in that it's not cheating. But it sure doesn't show much compassion/empathy/care for your family member.....

Furthermore this is a 31 year old man, having sex with a girl still in highschool, that is fucked up in of itself. He then also gets back with this girls aunt never mentioning this tidbit... The guy at the very least is a major asshole scumball.


Sarcastic-pickle2 OP t1_j1d82vo wrote

I could but I guess if I do that I'll never have a relationship with anyone in my family


Blackfire01001 t1_j1du2ia wrote

The blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Just because they're family doesn't mean they deserve to be in your life. Any parent who would be willing to throw away their child to the world without a second thought just because they decided to do something that was legal and consensual is not a fucking parent. They are an abusive asshole.


Sarcastic-pickle2 OP t1_j1dvyg2 wrote

Nah my dad knew I'd go to my aunt he would never let me be homeless. Also I know for a fact that he calls my aunt every day and asks her how I'm doing.


Critical-Echo-923 t1_j1de6a8 wrote

no, you have to put them in their place

dont ruin ur life in hoping for something that will never happen, you will never have the same relationships again

and if you do not stand ur ground they will walk allover you for the rest of your life

ur an adult now, act like one if you want respect
