Submitted by Ninnino07 t3_zqnns9 in tifu

So, I got my second wisdom tooth removed yesterday and kind of look like a hamster currently and am in a decent amount of pain. This morning, the wound was also bleeding again after brushing my teeth, so I went into the medicine cabinet for some gauze to bite down on to stop the bleeding. I walked from the bathroom to the kitchen to throw away the wrapper and returned to my cat chewing on something. There was a tiny piece of plastic he was chewing, but I recalled that there was also a singular loose hair tie in the medicine cabinet. My first thought was therefore “what if he ate the hair tie”, so I went looking for the hair tie of course, I checked the cabinet thoroughly, like four times or so, no hair tie. Checked other places it could have been, twice. Still: no hair tie. So, off to the vet for an injection to make my cat vomit, to attempt to get the hair tie out, which did not work. An x-ray showed his stomach to still be quite full however, which could indicate some sort of obstruction (such as a hair tie!). So, off to a specialized vet, to check kitty’s stomach with a camera. I returned home, and was rather knackered by now (and in pain, as I had a wisdom tooth drilled out of my jaw the day before). When I got home I decided to check the cabinet one more time and lo and behold: there was the hair tie! Tried calling the vet to call off the expedition into kitty’s stomach, but no such luck, the vet was already finishing up and told me that my cat’s stomach was indeed empty. All of that for nothing!

TLDR: thought my cat had ingested a hair tie, induced vomiting at the vet, got x-rays taken and kitty’s stomach was checked with a camera by a specialized vet, only for me to come home and find the damn hair tie.



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Setthegodofchaos t1_j0z8hfn wrote

It's good that you were safe than sorry. I would've done the exact same thing.


Ninnino07 OP t1_j0za1fz wrote

Thank you! I do agree, better safe than sorry, though I feel bad for Aslan having to go to two different vets for what turned out to be nothing. But obstructed bowels would definitely have been worse.


OberonPrimeGX t1_j0zh68l wrote

You might feel a bit frayed, but the fact is you clearly love your cat quite a bit. Can only give you props for that.

Hope you get through the jaw pain.


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j12t6sj wrote

Poor kitty, and poor you! I hope you both feel better really soon.


IcKeLescape t1_j13qpfd wrote

Just went through the same thing except with string. I was wrapping presents and using colored string as ribbon. I had a pile of ends cut off on the table and noticed it looked a bit spread out suddenly and my cat was running away mischievously. Took him to the vet despite my husband’s protests (he didn’t want a huge vet bill over something I wasn’t sure even happened and wanted to wait and see), got X-rays, then emergency surgery. When they cut open his stomach they found that he had not only eaten the string but a jumbo hair tie as well that it had tangled with to make a huge ticking time bomb. Luckily it was caught before it hit his intestines!

Glad your kitty is alright!!