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Tophatt69 t1_j0ge2r4 wrote

I'd say it's more toxic to skip out on work and have the rest of the team need to cover for you, of course if it doesnt make more work for other then who cares if you call in but it's a dick move when it does make more work for them which sounds like it does here.

Most places have that guy who calls in all the time and geuss what no one likes him from the top to the bottom of the business. People are often times toxic towards toxic people so look at the source not the reaction.


Setthegodofchaos t1_j0gluuo wrote

Toxic to skip out on work when your sick? Idk about that. I'd rather be at home when sick than risk contaminating food at my workplace and everybody else along with it.

Or maybe I misread something.


Tophatt69 t1_j0gnqgp wrote

Its toxic to skip work when your not sick while pretending to be sick it's not that vague.

If your actually sick then ya call in but when your not you shouldnt.


Festernd t1_j0ghsre wrote

>it's more toxic to skip out on work and have the rest of the team need to cover for you

yup, it is toxic, that the employer is so cheap as to put workers in that position


Tophatt69 t1_j0go5jd wrote

Oh definitely, but end of the day it's your job and still shitty of you if you skip work while knowing it will make it harder for others when your not really sick.


skactopus t1_j0h0ybn wrote

Calling off if you’re sick is not a dick move mate pull your head out your ass


Tophatt69 t1_j0h17nm wrote

If your actually sick of course it isnt... if your just faking it to get out of work ya it's a dick move.