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Only-Tree7132 t1_j2bvrpt wrote

I did this when I was 26. I waved someone in on the beltway in DC and smiled. He smiled back and then stayed in front of me motioning for me to pull Over and doing the please I’m begging you motion with his hands. I didn’t do it. Why? Because I didn’t have any self confidence in my looks and I thought, what if he gets close up and regrets it? Now I realized how cute that 26 YO girl was and how I should have loved myself. I’ve regretted it on and off for…wait for it…30 years! I’m 56 now- I’ve had a life, marriage, career, kids, but then tragedy hit my life, my husband had issues that I never knew about and he passed away. I fantasize about the guy who ‘got away’ - it’s fun and perfect in my mind. But would it have been? No because nothing ever is. But in my mind it always could have been. All this to say that’s what you’re regretting, the what could have been. So remember this feeling so that next time you take the chance. You’re wonderful today, remember that ❤️