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Devittraisedto2 t1_ixgdkj3 wrote

>She is colourblind and can't see the colour green, so sometimes when she really pisses me off, I pull up a picture of a cauliflower or a broccoli on my phone and make her guess what it is. If she answers incorrectly, then I would lock her in her bedroom until I'm done babysitting for the night.

The fuck is wrong with you

Who would've thought you'd suffer consequences for being an insufferable prick to an 8 year old.

The worst thing about this is, you don't sound remorseful at all. You've been told off and it stings that you're being shunned by your family but there's not a single strand of remorse in your post.


excallibutt t1_ixgdl8v wrote

You've been a monster to her. Shame on you.


krishisnotmyrealname t1_ixgdy0q wrote

congratulations you have potentially traumatized a child for the rest of her life


ThinkCow83 t1_ixge14n wrote

It's not as if you've been disowned. ........ You've been disowned because you're a narcissistic asshole to AN 8 YEAR OLD CHILD!!


xxDooomedxx t1_ixge3fo wrote

Bullying a little girl. Screw you


theNicAngel t1_ixgeabe wrote

Totally deserved. Piece of shit.


gogadantes9 t1_ixged3f wrote

Mate, objectively you're the one in the wrong here. Your attitude and selfishness need to be corrected. And we aren't your family or anyone who could be biased. If even random, unconnected internet strangers agree about this, consider that you may actually be the bad person in the situation and you need to improve.


MuumipapanTussari t1_ixgemp9 wrote

Oh, so they told you off for abusing a child and you come crying to Reddit using your own trauma as an excuse? You are nearly an adult and you are acting like a 14 year old. Get a grip


veldenbushido t1_ixgetq6 wrote

Your family at least now know you aren’t the sort of person to be allowed near a child, far less left in charge of one.


Emotional-Ticket6570 t1_ixgfewq wrote

You sound diabolical. Playing a game with a kid that you know they can't win just to punish them, horrible.


jiggamain t1_ixhemmh wrote

Wow, dude, you are a danger to that kid. Invest in some self reflection now. Nobody gives AF about your trauma if you use it as an excuse to be an absolute fucking monster and traumatize someone else. It sounds like you got off easy by only being banned from some family events. I would never look at you the same if you were my relative.

Beyond being a horrible semi uncle. If this behavior had been told to someone with a duty to report your not quite niece’s family could have faced a serious investigation.

One more thing, if you have a “sour” relationship with an 8 yo, YOU are the problem. They are 8, and at this point you are a fucking adult. I guarantee you your family didn’t get the full story from her, you better hope they never find this post and connect the dots.

Get some counseling now, what you are describing is abuse - get help breaking the cycle of violence you are in.


jiggamain t1_ixhh5uc wrote

Paraphrasing above… I gave her a test I knew she would fail, and locked her in a room when she did not pass.

Ya, no. 19 is plenty mature enough not to be an abusive asshole. This kind of predatory behavior doesn’t just magically go away with age. This person needs accountability and a healthy dose of therapy. The fact that you are defending them indicates you could use some therapy too (and indicates you should not be trusted around kids either).

It’s not normal for people of any age to treat children this way. Maturity is not a cure all for cruelty.


jiggamain t1_ixma2aq wrote

Dude, you really do need professional help if you can’t tell what the problem is here. I feel sorry for ya, it’s pathetic and sad. I’m not a counselor though, and won’t be talking it through with ya anymore. Good luck bro.