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PBlove t1_iwvxqdb wrote

Huh... I tried to edit my comment after he blocked me to include the screen cap and it just wiped the comment.


Either way, doing a reply block is a cowardly move. Trying to make it look like you "put someone in their place" when in reality you ran off with a tail between your legs.

Sad... Many such cases.

Let's see if I can remember what I wrote.

You called a married man with kids involuntarily celibate. So you obviously don't care about definitions as much as you care about connotations/associations. This is a characteristic of acting emotionally / surrendering to emotions.

You saw my initial advice and had an emotional reaction you couldn't find any flaws in it sonyou decided to crawl through my history to find something to discredit me because you could not discredit my advice.

When that didn't work and you took a thrashing you started calling me names and exposed how you were an emotional failure who's life was a wreak.

I suggest you show my initial post in thisnthresd to your shrink. See how she responds to suggestions if self actualization, journalling, and positive reflection. Then you can show her how I'm just a "big meany". Then you can run back here and lie about her response to my initial advice.

Just take the L it feels like a beating up a child.


kappakeats t1_iwvy5av wrote

You are a funny person. I feel bad for you. Truly I do. I can't imagine living in your brain. Someone who has to prove he's not an incel by posting screenshots of his text convos is not firing on all cylinders. Goodbye.