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PBlove t1_iwukch3 wrote

>Something about this post is really weirding me out. Maybe just treat people like people and don't have all these standards listed out in advance or ideas of who is and isn't worthwhile. If you click, you click. It's kind of just that.

100% wrong.

This would be how you "date" or get a girlfriend, then end up in your 30s no different then your 20s with someone you wouldn't want to spend your life with.

Everyone should have standards and should try to better understand themselves and their standards. You are essentially just suggesting letting the chemicals evolved to effect short term mating be the sole decider of long term decisions. Its a childish approach to essentially just wing it.

>Edit: I looked into your comment history and you had some pretty nasty things to say about a woman on here. Calling her the village bike and a fleshlight and saying she's never had a loving relationship.

I have said nasty shit about men too. Women are people, stop putting them on a pedestal as somehow above reproach.

In the case you are referring to, I said nothing untrue. She did act the village bike, tried essentially the childish approach to romance you suggested and ended up being used like a living sex doll by assholes and wondered why she was forever alone. Rather than admit her error she was convinced that it was men's fault that she refused to have any standards. Just as respectable women don't like men who have no standards, respectable men don't get involved with women who have no standards. Nothing I said was untrue, you are just sad that what I said wasn't kind. As above, that's the approach of a child.


kappakeats t1_iwvf7lo wrote

You are an incel.


PBlove t1_iwvgucu wrote

With a paid off house, 2 kids, a wife, and 2 dogs?


kappakeats t1_iwvim0c wrote

Yes, you have the views of an incel from what I can see. The woman you were talking to just said she didn't want to have sex with a right leaning man because of their regressive attitudes and lack of respect for women's bodies. She also said that sex could be more of a chore than pleasurable for her due to misogynistic attitudes and the downsides of sex. You then went full blown misogynistic asshole on her. I suggest you go back and reread her reply about how to be a better person.

Your confidence in yourself is actually scary. There was a news story not long ago about this dude who was so confident in himself that he went to the police to tell them all about how he tried to chase down a woman and give a mixtape to her. He then started ranting about how woman have rape fantasies and chasing her was exciting for her because she wanted to be chased. I'm getting the same overconfident yet incredibly wrong vibes from your comments.

But you know, whatever, good thing is maybe you keep this shit to Reddit where women can block and report you.


[deleted] t1_iwvjfnp wrote



kappakeats t1_iwvwjgi wrote

Dude I'm not following you across boards. I'm not having an emotional reaction, I'm calling out your incel beliefs and stupid ideas. What the fuck do you think is true about me? I'm not a woman who sleeps with men so I don't have that woman's problems but I sure do sympathize that she had to read your insane comments. You don't even know what you are saying lmao.

You are a super duper weirdo. Your level of self insight is completely subpar. Reply again if you like but I will block you so I don't have to see any more drivel in my inbox.


PBlove t1_iwvxqdb wrote

Huh... I tried to edit my comment after he blocked me to include the screen cap and it just wiped the comment.


Either way, doing a reply block is a cowardly move. Trying to make it look like you "put someone in their place" when in reality you ran off with a tail between your legs.

Sad... Many such cases.

Let's see if I can remember what I wrote.

You called a married man with kids involuntarily celibate. So you obviously don't care about definitions as much as you care about connotations/associations. This is a characteristic of acting emotionally / surrendering to emotions.

You saw my initial advice and had an emotional reaction you couldn't find any flaws in it sonyou decided to crawl through my history to find something to discredit me because you could not discredit my advice.

When that didn't work and you took a thrashing you started calling me names and exposed how you were an emotional failure who's life was a wreak.

I suggest you show my initial post in thisnthresd to your shrink. See how she responds to suggestions if self actualization, journalling, and positive reflection. Then you can show her how I'm just a "big meany". Then you can run back here and lie about her response to my initial advice.

Just take the L it feels like a beating up a child.


kappakeats t1_iwvy5av wrote

You are a funny person. I feel bad for you. Truly I do. I can't imagine living in your brain. Someone who has to prove he's not an incel by posting screenshots of his text convos is not firing on all cylinders. Goodbye.