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S_A_R_K t1_iy1e3qk wrote

This is more of a tifaf


BigPhilly1985 t1_iy1lsez wrote

I would say you need Jesus but you would probably just want him to glass bottom boat you. This is most definitely the most desperate shit I've ever heard and it's disgusting. I'm proud of you. Embrace it. My only question is how can you have a shit fetish and knock this furball for stankin?


Responsible-Ad4081 OP t1_iy1r442 wrote

I only enjoy the smell of shit. Any other body odors or excretions disgust me. Personal preference lol


mszuch t1_iy1lc8a wrote

Think on the bright side… you have so many future cringe interactions ahead of you. You never know, many of them may be fond memories and even future partners. For now, enjoy the cringe and be good. Luv ya.


m62969 t1_iy1s4v5 wrote

I mean, the mother stuff is pretty rough, and conversion therapy is especially insane; but the important part that you left out was -- did you use a condom? gif


Diligent-Draft6687 t1_iy2m7v7 wrote

Sad thing here is how much of your decisions are wrapped up in what other people think rather than what u want.


throwaway_nowgoaway t1_iy2oy4u wrote

Yo- so this was a rollercoaster but I think there are actually a LOT of lessons you can learn from this experience. Easier said than done but I think setting boundaries and not people pleasing is one of them. People can see if you have confidence and will treat you accordingly. The rest of your social interactions in HS can be good practice for not giving AF. Thankfully you won’t have to see these people btw.

I think you are very mature for knowing what your kink is and accepting it as a part of you instead of trying to change it. Definitely not my thing but I have my own. Best of luck when it comes to dealing with your mom.

Also, I found cutting out dairy really helped with my acne at your age- something worth looking into maybe.