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redbucket75 t1_ixdp4og wrote

A normal human being who makes routine judgements about the situations I become aware of


jungerfrosch t1_ixdyeew wrote

Seems more like someone who feels everyone should subscribe to their morals..... i.e. a typical liberal....."your beliefs are only ok if I agree with you"


redbucket75 t1_ixe2pb2 wrote

LOL @ someone upset others make judgements about people... Immediately judges an entire group of millions of people.


[deleted] OP t1_ixe8h1k wrote



redbucket75 t1_ixe9wci wrote

Oh I guess you didn't read my comment. I think a no porn relationship rule sounds very 1995. That's the only opinion I've voiced in this thread. Have a nice day, crazy person.


The-Honorary-Conny t1_ixeex3t wrote

This is an oversimplication, liberals rarely take issue with the whole of conservative ideas. Just like there are many liberal idea that conservative have accepted with open arms. (E.g. safer working conditions and workers comp) it is specific ideals and ideas of conservative that they have issue with. (Removal of health care, reducing contraceptives access).


itsdylanjenkins t1_ixe0109 wrote

Jesus christ, typical republican denouncing science as "liberal leftist woke mob agenda"


jungerfrosch t1_ixe7udg wrote

What science am i denouncing?..... I am defending an individuals preference that they and their their spouse not watch porn.....a position that was being mocked.


Taleya t1_ixeuxtz wrote

You gotta shake your jowls when you say it, like a bloodhound with a bone.
