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BrightNooblar t1_ixix7bc wrote

Speaking as both a middle manager, and someone who got out of a toxic/abusive relationship.




If you don't want to antagonize her by getting a restraining order that fine. But figure out what a restraining order requires, and get everything totally set up. Talk to the cops about it NOW so they have a record, and include that conversation in a contact tracker with her.


She texts you? Summarize in the contact tracker. She threatens you? Summarize and highlight. She calls you? Summarize in the tracker, send a text confirming that summary. Just a "Hey, just wanna make sure I remember that call right. You said I could pick up the yearbook I forgot Saturday around 2, right?" in text where its very plain on re-read.


You're better off spending hours on a tracker you don't need, than years saddled with a problem because you didn't have enough documentation to support yourself from willful/accidental miscommunication, ESPECIALLY with a hostile ex.