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GunasInFlux t1_iwgln96 wrote

Don’t talk about yourself so negatively, my man. This interaction didn’t go super well. But, she waiting for you outside the bathroom. She saw you didn’t know what to do and was kind enough to see beyond that to the person you are underneath. If you tell yourself, “I’m oblivious. I’ll fuck up again in the future. I am no good,” you best believe those things will be true, but only because you believe them. Start telling yourself things that you want to be true. “When I fuck up, I know I can recover. I am not bound to fuck up. I am learning, growing, and deserving of peace and love. Success is within my reach. I am not where I want to be, but I can work to get myself there.” Simple affirmations that may feel like “lies” at first but in reality can be and will be true IF you start to believe them. Our personal identities are mostly the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves about our lives. Start telling yourself a better story. You are worthy of self confidence, peace, joy, and love. But you will only have those things when you believe they’re possible for you. You got this.